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‘It’s a huge community of people making this happen,’ Colorado Springs LGBTQ business gets nationwide support after announcing reopening fundraiser

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – Just days after announcing an effort to raise money to reopen, a local LGBTQ business has raised tens of thousands of dollars from donors around the country.

Icons was forced to close after a fire late last year, and later, they were forced to find a new location when their lease was terminated for their original location. And this week, they announced their plans to raise money to reopen.

Just days later, their efforts have gotten national attention.

“We raised over $20,000 in three days, which is exciting,” said John Wolfe, one of the owners of Icons. He and his husband, Josh Franklin, have been working to support their staff since their closure through pop-up events. But this money, they said, goes toward the effort to come back.

“What’s exciting for us,” Franklin and Wolfe said, “is there are hundreds of people donating to this GoFundMe. Lots of friends from New York City, where we used to live.”

One donation in particular caught their eye. Singer Gloria Estefan sent $1,000 to the fundraiser and personally reached out to send a message of support.

“She says she feels bad for the loss in the community,” Wolfe said, reading her message, “hopefully her donation can contribute a little toward the re-birth and tell them I say to get on their feet!”

Carlos Gonzales, a friend of Estefan, sent 11 News a full statement to the owners to share.

“It’s important that there be a place for the community to get together, have fun and feel free to be who they want to be,” Estefan said. “Throughout my life, Colorado Springs has been a wonderful part of my family vacations as we would often fly in there. Maybe next time I’m ‘round your neck of the woods I can actually get to spend some time there and finally see the City.”

The owners said they are happy to see the support from hundreds of people.

“It’s not like somebody swooping in and an angel investor is helping us, it’s a huge community of people making this happen,” Franklin said.

They said the other businesses on Bijou have been struggling to recoup after the fire, but that they are all moving toward a solution.

“They’re struggling, but I think everybody is on the path to find their next home,” Franklin said, as Wolfe chimed in, “and trying to stay downtown because downtown Colorado Springs is the best.”

They said they’ve also seen support from city officials, as well.

“The Downtown Partnership has been wildly supportive,” said Franklin, “and the mayor, Yemi, has been… even before he was mayor, before we were open, actually, he met with us and helped us with our budget.”

You can find more information on their fundraising effort and contribute here.


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