Target stores have decided not to sell merchandise that is supportive of LGBTQ people, just in advance of Pride Day, June 1, in certain stores in areas that might not support such a thing. I find this an act of cowardice that creates a situation where I must wonder what other community that huge corporation will decide to walk away from under public pressure.

I have written to their corporate headquarters to challenge their act and reminded them of the courage of Dick’s Sporting Goods when they decided to no longer sell ammunition for assault rifles. They risked “market share” to take a stand.

If Target really does not support the LGBTQ community, then they should let us know their true colors rather than partly walking away from our brothers and sisters based on where they happen to live. I would hope, though, that the attention that this faux pas causes makes them reconsider and speak out in favor of LGBTQ people where ever they happen to live.

— Anina Van Alstine, Santa Cruz

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