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REPORT: Young people in LGBTQ community at higher risk of addiction

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Young people in the LGBTQ community are at a higher risk of becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol according to research done at the Hazelden-Betty Ford.

“The disease is the disease, however the ways that it manifests will change person to person,” says Clinical Director Lydia Burr.

Young people in the LGBTQ community often face bullying, harassment, discrimination and physical abuse and can also face obstacles in getting treatment explains Burr.

“We could have someone who, the treatment environment really reminds them of school and they were bullied in school because of their identity,” Burr explains. “And so they’re triggered by the environment.”

Burr says the reasons are many, but one example is clear.

“Historical trauma, and if you think about the history of the LGBTQ community and the ways that they still feel like they have to fight for what they consider their basic human rights, the way that they are treated differently and separated from the general population.”

She says they also might not trust people, and not be able to open up which she says is critical to recovery adding that often times the only place for members of the LGBTQ community to find solace is a bar or club, adding to the likelihood of addition.


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