It would be invalid to have a discussion regarding Pride without acknowledging sexuality. It is after all, the basis of which those united in Pride live out their lives. In recent years, lesbian, gay and bisexual members have come alongside the transgender and queer communities. As a result, the Pride flag has incorporated other colors beyond the traditional rainbow colors to signify that the L, G, B, T and Q communities all fly together under the same banner. Their flag can be seen everywhere today, especially during the month of June, designated as Pride Month.

In the last few decades, homosexuality has become normalized in society; however, it wasn’t always so. There was a time when homosexual acts (sodomy) were illegal. In fact, it wasn’t until 1973 that the American Psychiatric Association removed the designation of homosexuality as a mental disorder from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Gay marriage became legal in 2015, a milestone in cultural as well as political progressivism. And only this year did the Colorado Legislature initiate an amendment to the state Constitution to rescind the language recognizing marriage solely as the union between a man and woman, which will be on the November general election ballot.

The Pride movement began with the fight to love whomever they chose. Now it has morphed into an agenda that is advocating to provide gender modification drugs and surgeries to our children, also to allow boys to compete against girls in sports. These initiatives are on the agenda of the progressive left and the Democratic Party, as well as many in the medical industry. Those who support Pride would presuppose that anyone who is opposed to Pride and its agenda is homophobic or transphobic. This assertion is neither tolerant nor inclusive. Demonization of Christian conservatives for their closely held beliefs is discriminatory. Christian conservatives’ opposition to Prideis not rooted in hate; rather, it is founded on traditional values and love of family. They desire a healthy and natural puberty experience for their children, as we all once lived.

A person’s sex is binary, and any belief contrary to this is delusional. As I write this, I feel like I’m experiencing an out of body experience from having to state the obvious, that we are all either male or female, and anyone who thinks otherwise needs therapy. European countries such as the UK, France, Sweden and Norway are changing guidelines in part due to questions from doctors about the risks of so-called “gender-affirming” care.

Courageous de-transitioner Chloe Cole, in a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, testified that we are currently experiencing one of the worst medical scandals in our nation’s history. Her stark warning should have everyone questioning this pseudo-science and their agenda, which many believe is influenced by financial gain, like the opioid crisis of the past. Gender mutilation is irreversible, and according to one study, the harm that boys experience from puberty blockers may be irreversible. Recent research suggests that transition regret is on the rise. The damage to their bodies will last a lifetime. Parents are deceived when they are advised, even coerced, into believing that affirming a child’s gender dysphoria is the only way to mitigate the delusion their child is experiencing. Are doctors no longer beholden to their Hippocratic Oath to do no harm?

An effort to protect children from these harmful drugs and surgeries is currently being spearheaded by Lori Gimelshteyn ( and Erin Lee ( They have generated two proposed initiatives which are being circulated statewide for signatures. The first is IN142-2024, which requires parental notification by school personnel should their child show signs of gender dysphoria. The second is IN-160-2024, which would prohibit boys from participating in girls athletic school programs. These petitions need to garner 125,000 signatures per initiative, in order to be placed on the general election ballot this coming November. Volunteers are working throughout the state gathering signatures. Please feel free to reach out to me if you support this effort at: [email protected].

All children should be provided the opportunity to experience puberty and come out the other side with the opportunity to start their own family. Confusion in puberty is normal and requires love and support, not drugs and surgery.

George Tristan is a USMC veteran, aerospace engineer and political activist.