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Texas students worry about mental health, resources after closure of campus LGBTQ centers

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As a “pride peer,” Ryan Hoffman set up a table around the UTA campus every Wednesday offering students mental health resources and promoting events to foster community among LGBTQ students.

Hoffman, who uses they/them pronoun, even helped an “out in STEM” organization get off the ground for students interested in science, technology, engineering or math. The 20-year-old history major found purpose in supporting classmates.

But when they returned to the University of Texas at Arlington in January after winter break, Hoffman received devastating news: the LGBTQ+ Program was shutting down.

The program was “a center for everything LGBTQ on campus,” Hoffman said.

It hosted activities such as “queersgiving,” an event for those who stay on campus for Thanksgiving, and “lavender graduation,” a ceremony for LGBTQ students.

At least half a dozen LGBTQ centers across Texas schools closed over the past school year after a new state law banned diversity, equity and inclusion programs, commonly known as DEI. The law prohibits public colleges and universities from having DEI offices and programs run by school officials that are specific to race or gender, which led to the shut down of many departments and divisions.

LGBTQ advocates say the ban impacts such students because they often rely on resource centers for a sense of belonging on campus, which keeps them from dropping out and lowers the risks of self harm.

Sen. Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, who wrote the law banning DEI, said help is still available as “traditional student support” remains.

“The legislation makes it clear that student-led organizations are not impacted in any way,” Creighton said in a statement. “But it is also clear that taxpayer funds should not be spent on conferring special benefits based on race, color, ethnicity or sexual orientation.”

The closing of these centers and school-run resources comes at a time when state leaders have introduced and passed many proposals impacting LGBTQ communities. For example, Texas joined more than a dozen other states restricting access to transition-related services for minors, such as puberty blockers and hormone therapies.

At UTA, the LGBTQ+ Program had a full-time director and about 10 student workers known as “pride peers.” The center offered physical and mental health resources; support groups for transgender students along with assistance in changing names and gender markers in university records; and community events, such as trivia nights and drag shows.

The center provided training to students and staff across UTA on how to be an ally to others.

“The LGBTQ+ Program is committed to ensuring sexual minority students are seen, heard, and recognized at UT Arlington,” according to a now removed page on UTA’s website. The mission of pride peers was to “create a courageous place” for students to explore and understand sexual orientation and gender identity, according to the site.

“The future of all of that is now uncertain, very uncertain,” Hoffman said.

Students who said their campuses had LGBTQ student services reported 44% lower odds of attempting suicide when compared to those without those services, according to researchers from the Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization that focuses on the mental health of LGBTQ people.

“When we create these spaces, students feel that they belong. What happens when they belong? They stay in the university,” said Brittanie Ash, an assistant professor of social work at Colorado State University.

Ash grew up in Irving, left the state for 20 years and came back to teach at UTA’s highly ranked social work program. After three years in Arlington, she left Texas for Colorado last year due to the DEI ban and “the general climate for LGBTQ people.”

“As a queer person who does queer and trans research, it was a rough environment to be in,” she said.

Ash said the DEI ban essentially “makes your identity controversial. When we close this office, it sends a message that you’re bad, you’re wrong. We know that has devastating impacts on young people.”

Those who support banning DEI efforts at schools say such centers encourage segregation based on identity rather than build up a campus community as a whole.

“The ideology of DEI divides people into two groups: you’re either with the oppressor or the oppressed group,” said Sherry Sylvester, a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “These centers normalize implementing that ideology.”

Critics of DEI say that it favors race and gender over merit and stifles freedom of speech by pushing students to believe in the same principles.

Since UTA’s center for LGBTQ programming closed, pride peers became “Kaleidoscope Advocates,” who broadly promote wellness for students through a different department – the Intercultural Student Engagement Center.

“The focus shifted,” Hoffman said.

Kaleidoscope Advocates is a program open to all students, Joe Carpenter, a spokesman for UTA, said in a statement.

It “was created early this year as a program that supports student retention and completion for the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups reflected within the UTA community through belonging and engagement initiatives and academic support,” he said.

Supporters of DEI say initiatives targeted toward specific student groups provide additional resources and promote inclusion for those who historically have been underrepresented on college campuses, such as students of color and LGBTQ students.

UTA was not the only university that went through significant reorganization to comply with the new law.

The University of Houston’s LGBTQ+ Resource Center is now the Center for Student Advocacy and Community. Texas A&M’s went from the Pride Center to the Student Life Center.

Finding a sense of belonging is key because they know they have a place to turn to for support, said Jonah DeChants, a senior research scientist at the Trevor Project.

“People who feel a stronger sense of belonging are less likely to experience suicide ideations,” DeChants said.

Sylvester, however, noted that many students struggle with loneliness and stress during college and that mental health resources should be available to all students.

“We don’t see these (DEI) programs resulting in higher graduation rates,” she said.

Still, Robert Lonergran said feeling welcome at the University of Texas at Dallas made a difference to him.

Lonergran, a recent computer science graduate, went to high school in Waxahachie, where he said he was bullied and called anti-gay slurs. He used to wear a jacket that had a patch of the bisexual flag in it. Other students would grab and pull the jacket, he said.

When Lonergran toured UTD’s campus for the first time, he saw “outward love” and “students being openly queer.” Many offices had rainbow flags or other indicators that LGBTQ people are welcome, he recalled.

“The whole campus felt like a safe space,” Lonergran said.

The Galerstein Gender Center, UTD’s LGBTQ center, “meant everything to us,” Lonergran said.

The DEI ban “caused quite a stir,” Lonergran said.

Before winter break, Lonergran saw a handwritten note at the center’s door, letting students know the center would eventually close. A few days later, he said, the note became official – typed up with the university’s seal.

Students stress that they still have each other to rely on and that they will continue supporting each other through student-led organizations. The law is specific to prohibiting school-run programming.

“Queer people have faced looking down the barrel of the gun so many times,” he said. “We’re always going to find a way to exist. We survived and thrived through worse times than this.”

The DMN Education Lab deepens the coverage and conversation about urgent education issues critical to the future of North Texas.

The DMN Education Lab is a community-funded journalism initiative, with support from Bobby and Lottye Lyle, Communities Foundation of Texas, The Dallas Foundation, Dallas Regional Chamber, Deedie Rose, Garrett and Cecilia Boone, The Meadows Foundation, The Murrell Foundation, Solutions Journalism Network, Southern Methodist University, Sydney Smith Hicks and the University of Texas at Dallas. The Dallas Morning News retains full editorial control of the Education Lab’s journalism.


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