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Church erects NSFW road sign, can’t understand what the fuss is about

Written by gaytourism

The awkward, but hilarious sign outside an Australian church. | Photo: Twitter/John-Paul Langbroek

A church in Australia is offering some interesting Biblical wisdom, which has raised some eyebrows for its racy message.

The Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit is a Christian place of worships in Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast on Australia’s eastern seaboard.

Yesterday it was telling worshipers, ‘FORGIVENESS IS SWALLOWING WHEN YOU’D RATHER SPIT’, on a giant sign outside the church.

Local MP John-Paul Langbroek spotted the quirky sign and quickly shared the photo on his social media.

‘This will get the punters in,’ Langbroek wrote on Instagram where he also questioned whether the sign referred to dentistry.

Apparently confused with the sudden interest in the sign, a church spokesperson explained the Biblical reference.

‘You don’t open your mouth and yell at somebody, you close your mouth and swallow,’ the spokesperson told the Gold Coast Bulletin (GCB).

‘If you want to say something, keep your mouth closed for a bit.

‘Swallow it, don’t spit it out.’

The GCB reported everybody in town was talking about the sign, and it might help increase numbers at church services.

‘Either way, there will be more people getting down on their knees after seeing it. To pray, of course,’ journalist Sally Coates wrote in her story.

People on Twitter had a field day with the sign’s double meaning:

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