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Gay Democrat kisses husband in ad during Trump’s fave Fox News show

Written by gaytourism

This Democrat politician aired a same-sex kiss with his husband during Trump’s fave Fox News show

Meet Rich Madaleno, a gay Democrat who is doing his best to piss off President Donald Trump.

Running for Governor of Maryland, he is doing his best to stop the damage Trump and the Republicans are doing.

Democrat kisses husband in ‘political ad first’

In his ad, he shows how he has banned assault weapons, protected Planned Parenthood, and supports public schools.

And he also closes the political ad by kissing his husband.

The best part? It aired in Washington during Trump’s favorite program on Fox News.

This is perhaps the first time a political ad has shown a same-sex kiss between a politician and his husband.

Annise Parker, president of the LGBTQ Victory Fund, said the White House is trying to erase LGBTI visibility.

‘Rich Madaleno is boldly stating he’s proud of his family and will fight for all Marylanders if elected,’ she said.

‘Not long ago, out LGBTQ people were unable to run for statewide offices such as governor,’ she added, ‘Voters now recognize there is an authenticity to LGBTQ leaders rarely found in today’s politicians.

‘Rich is on-track to win the Democratic primary because of that authenticity, his deep roots in the state, and his 15 years of legislative experience. And it is great to see him share his love for Mark and the kids with voters too – especially in a political ad airing during the president’s favorite television show.’

Madaleno added: ‘We need to stand up for the people we love and to continue to confront harassment and discrimination.’

‘Having led the charge for marriage equality, achieving true equality and justice for all Marylanders will be my priority as Governor. June is LGBT Pride Month and I couldn’t think of a better time to release this ad.

‘I am proud of my family, proud of my record of standing up for our progressive values and proud to be unflinching in standing up against hate. Love does truly trump hate.’

Watch the ad below:

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