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Trans father could forever change UK rules on birth certificates

Written by gaytourism

If a trans man wins a historic human rights battle, he could forever change British rules on birth certificates.

The man granted anonymity by the courts is a single parent.

His child was born before he legally transitioned. , He then filed for a gender recognition certificate.

The man wants to be identified as the child’s father or parent on a birth certificate.

They said the birth registrar told him the law requires people who give birth to children to be registered as mothers, according to PA.

The man has taken legal action against the body set up to administer statutory provisions relating to the registration of births and deaths after complaining of discrimination.

He says forcing him to register as the child’s ‘mother’ breaches his human right to respect for private and family life.

The man says such ‘interference’ is not proportionate or necessary in the light of changes which have ‘evolved in society’.

In a hearing in London’s High Court, Jusitce Francis said this issue has never been raised in an English or Welsh court.

The judge will make a decision after a trial in September.

It’s come as there have been other changes to certificates.

In Canada, activist Joshua Ferguson received the first non-binary birth certificate earlier this year.

‘It’s a victory for me. It’s a victory for the trans community,’ they said.

n Canada specifically, Gemma Hickey’s birth certificate victory last year, changing it from ‘male’ to X, was a first for the country.

Furthermore, Canada’s federal government said they will soon offer a third gender option on passports.

A rising trend

Other countries around the world are adopting similar stances.

In the United States, places like California and Washington began offering third gender options on various official documents. For states that don’t offer it, people are taking to courts to challenge the refusal.

Earlier this year, both Russia and Greece made it easier for trans people to change their birth certificates.

For the former, people no longer need to have gender affirming surgery for the change. In Greece, meanwhile, trans people no longer need surgery or sterilization.

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