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Warsaw gets beautiful ‘unbreakable’ rainbow installation for LGBTI rights

Written by gaytourism

The light and water rainbow installation in Warsaw last night (Photo: Creative Poland | Facebook)

A unique LGBTI rights installation was unveiled in Warsaw last night. And unlike previous installations, its makers say vandals cannot destroy this one.

The installation’s unveiling came the night before the annual Warsaw Equality Parade today. It remained illuminated for four hours.

It was in the same square that housed a previous monument to LGBTI equality. However, that monument, made from flowers and first erected in 2012, faced repeated vandalism. It was removed completely in 2015.

‘It was a symbol for us and it was really sad for us when it disappeared,’ 20-year-old student Sylwia Chelchowska, told AP on Friday night. Chelchowska, and friends, went to see the light rainbow ahead of volunteering at today’s Equality Parade.

Ben & Jerry’s

Ice-cream firm Ben & Jerry’s sponsored the light rainbow. The company has often been vocal in its support of LGBTI rights. It consistently campaigns for marriage equality in countries where the issue is debated. This has included lobbying the US Supreme Court in the US.

In Australia, the company banned people from choosing two scoops of the same flavor in its stores until marriage equality legislation passed. It wanted to point out how unfair it is to decline someone the choice of what they wanted.

A record 12 Pride marches are taking place in Poland this year – including five in cities that have not previously hosted them. The Equality Parade in Warsaw first took place in 2001 and is now the biggest march in support of LGBTI rights in the country.

Poland is one of the few European Union countries that does not allow same-sex marriage or civil unions. The chances of this changing any time soon are slim, following the election in 2015 of the right-wing Law and Justice party to government. LGBTI advocates nationwide continue to lobby for change.

See also

Landmark ruling for all same-sex married couples in European Union

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