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33% of people are ‘uncomfortable’ with idea of gay Disney princess

Written by gaytourism

Elsa would be the first animated Disney princess to have come out. | Photo: Flickr

A third of people are still uncomfortable with the idea of a gay Disney princess.

Many people may hope Elsa from Frozen gets a girlfriend but it seems that a 33% of Brits think it would be unsuitable for children.

YouGov asked British people on possible future introductions into the Disney princess canon.

Brits don’t want a gay Disney princess

The possibility of a gay princess was at the bottom of the list.

Over half were comfortable with an overweight Disney princess, while 70% said they’d be comfortable with the idea of a princess being a parent.

When the results were broken down, it showed support for LGBTI representation in family films was vastly different across the age spectrum.

Two thirds, 67%, in the age group of 18-24 supported the idea. Only a quarter of those aged 65 and over did.

Previously, Idina Menzel – the voice of Elsa – has supported the idea of Elsa having a girlfriend.

‘I’m all for it. I think it’s a wonderful idea,’ she said.

‘It’s a wonderful conversation that we should all have about whether a Disney princess or queen could be gay.’

She later added, ‘I can’t promise anybody that’s going to happen.’

Disney and its growing LGBTI presence

Frozen 2 is due to be released in cinemas in 2019 and could follow in a line of slowly increasing LGBTI visibility in Disney movies.

In March, the creators of Pixar film Coco voiced their support for a LGBTI hero ina  future film.

Asked about including a LGBTI character in their films, they said: ‘I mean, that’s a dream, yes.

Darla K Anderson said: ‘I think that every kind of diversity, LGBTQ – and Coco’s a great example of diversity and representation, and the success of that.

‘All of us are very excited to have characters like that represented as protagonists in every realm, and so that would be a dream, that would be a hope, and we are all taking about all kinds of things like that right now.’

In the first Frozen film a lot of people thought the innkeeper was a possible gay character, as well many other ‘coded’ gay characters in the Disney canon.

Disney had its first ‘exclusively gay moment’ in last year’s live action remake of Beauty and the Beast. Gaston’s manservant, LeFou, was shown struggling with his sexuality and his feelings for ultra-macho leading man Gaston.

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