GAY global news

It’s time for people in privileged nations to help LGBTI people in Asia

Written by gaytourism

Suki Sandhu. | Photo: Supplied

To help LGBTI people in Asia, a group in London has set up fundraising efforts to try and make a difference.

The Suki Sandhu LGBTQI Asia Fund will give small grants to activists to improve the lives of LGBTQI people.

Advocacy organization, GiveOut will manage the fund which is sponsored by Audeliss & INvolve Founder and CEO, Suki Sandhu. Together they hope to give out a minimum of £25,000 annually (US$33,000).

‘Philanthropy has always been important to me. Whether we like it or not, in the UK we have been afforded a certain level of privilege, and we have a responsibility to give something back,’ Sandhu said.

Setting up the fund resonated with Sandhu personally because he grew up a gay, Asian man.

‘As a gay, Asian man who has grown up in the UK I realise that, despite the challenges I have faced, I have been incredibly lucky,’ he said.

‘There are many LGBT+ people across Asia being deprived of their freedom and facing terrible persecution simply for being themselves. This is not acceptable, and we all have a duty to try and make a difference.’

Sandhu said he wanted business leaders to influence the world beyond the workplace. He wants them to support the ‘global struggles for LGBTIQI rights’.

Criminalization, death penalty and abuse

Across Asia, LGBTQI people are facing human rights abuses from discrimination to horrific violence. Several countries criminalize same sex relations. In some, they may be punishable by death.

But LGBTQI activists are campaigning for change and having impact. There has been some recent, uneven victories in the region for the rights of trans people, marriage equality and same sex partnership rights.

‘I am delighted and proud that Suki has chosen to work alongside GiveOut to grow LGBTQI philanthropy in the UK and support queer activism in Asia,’ said GiveOut’s founder and chair Elliot Vaughn.

‘Suki is setting a wonderful example for the private sector, particularly other LGBTQI executives, and I hope others will follow his lead.’

GiveOut will consult with LGBTQI people in Asia to steer the fund and where it can make the greatest difference.

To give to the The Suki Sandhu LGBTQI Asia Fund, visit Enter your donation details
and a message to indicate your donation is to support the fund, e.g. ‘Asia Fund’.

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