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Lesbian activists block Pride in London march to protest against trans women

Written by gaytourism

Lesbian activists storm and block the Pride in London parade route. | Photo: Gay Star News

A group of lesbian activists blocked the start of the Pride in London march today (7 July) in protest against transgender women.

A group of eight women stormed the parade route without accreditation. Then five of them laid down on the road in front of the parade and draped a banner over them.

The banner read: ‘Transactivism erases lesbians’.

They then blocked the parade route for about 10 minutes. One of the activists shouted out: ‘A man who says he’s a lesbian is a rapist’

Protest at Pride in London

Photo: Gay Star News

The group also had a banner that said ‘Lesbian = female homosexual’, as well as flyers with the organization ‘Get the L out’ as the headline.

The flyer states: ‘The trans movement is… coercing lesbians to have sex with men. We firmly condemn this vicious form of anti-lesbianism disguised as progress.’

Lesbian activist: ‘Only women can be lesbians’

Speaking to Gay Star News, Jan Williams from Object said: ‘Transgenderism is conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is wrong.’

Lesbians protest Pride in London

Photo: Gay Star News

She continued: ‘Only women can be lesbians. A man who has surgery can never be a lesbian.

Sarah Mason, founder of Get The L Out, told GSN: ‘It’s a coalition of individual lesbians and feminists. It’s also feminist organizations such as Object, Mayday 4 Women, Critical Sisters and Lesbian Rights Alliance.’

She said her sexuality is seen as transphobic and exclusive ‘just because we are women attracted to women.’

‘We don’t want any kind of penis in our bedroom,’ she said. ‘I’m really sad I have to reassert this again.

‘It’s everywhere online – it’s everywhere in LGBTQ centres,’ she said.

Gay Star News reached out to Pride in London for comment.

See also:

Is Pride a safe space for all?

Police warn to be vigilant at day of Pride in London, World Cup match

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