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Ivanka Trump poses with pastor who thinks same-sex marriage is ‘demonic’

Written by gaytourism

Ivanka Trump with pastor Jim Garlow. | Photo: Jim Garlow / Twitter

Ivanka Trump posed with a pastor who believes same-sex marriage is demonic and the work of the devil.

During a White House dinner with Evangelical leaders last night (27 August), Ivanka posed with Jim Garlow.

Garlow is a Senior Pastor at Skyline Church in San Diego, California.

He’s previously said: ‘If I were Satan, I would want to destroy on the earth the image of God. This is why marriage is such a hotbed issue. It’s more than just the issue of homosexuality. It’s much more than that.

‘They want to destroy the very image of God upon the planet. This is a demonic happening in our midst,’ he said.

Garlow also previously said: ‘So if I were Satan, if I were the Devil, I’d want to destroy the imagery of male and female coming together with light and joy, covenantal marriage on Earth.’

And this: ‘We have an enormous storm coming at us in homosexual marriage, unlike anything we’ve ever faced. Abortion was not this way – as horrible as abortion is – but this is the first social issue that, if we lose on, the Gospel is crushed under foot.’

Nevertheless, both Ivanka and Jarod Trump smiled along in a photo with Garlow.

This is Ivanka Trump, the same person who has previously tweeted: ‘I am proud to support my LGBTQ friends and the LGBTQ Americans who have made immense contributions to our society and economy.’

Garlow also posed for photos with Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, as well as Kellyanne Conway.

Donald Trump reiterates anti-abortion stance

During the dinner last night, Donald Trump praised his own anti-abortion stance in a speech to the Evangelical leaders,

He said in his speech: ‘I was the first President to stand in the [White House] Rose Garden to address the March for Life.’

The March for Life is an annual rally in Washington protesting the practice and legality of abortion.

The audience cheered raucously as Donald Trump’s showed his support for anti-abortion sentiment.

They also cheered loudly for Trump’s pat on his own back about recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Donald Trump also wrongly claimed he ‘stopped the Johnson Amendment’ – a piece of legislation brought in to threaten religious institutions with the loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views.

Although it’s true he signed an Executive Order to overrule the amendment, he does not have the ‘constitutional authority’ to eliminate the law.

Only Congress has the power to overturn the law.

Watch Donald Trump’s full speech:

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