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Kathy Griffin shuts down Milo Yiannopoulos for calling her a ‘broke-ass b**ch’

Written by gaytourism

Kathy Griffin was having none of Milo Yiannopoulos’ nonsense. | Photo: Twitter

After whining that he could no longer make money from his controversial alt-right opinions, Milo Yiannopolous, has gone after comedian Kathy Griffin but she shut him down in the most fierce way.

Earlier this week, Yiannopoulos took to Facebook to complain that his ‘fans’ were not vocal to support him enough whenever one of his speaking gigs was cancelled.

‘Every time, it costs me tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. And when I get dumped from conferences, BARELY ANYONE makes a sound about it – not my fellow conservative media figures and not even, in many cases, you guys,’ he wrote on Facebook.

But then in a recent interview the controversial mouth piece said he needed to get back to work because he didn’t want to end up poor like Griffin.

‘I guess I should get back to the American speaking circuit. Or I’ll end up a broke-ass bitch like Kathy Griffin,’ Yiannopoulos was quoted as saying.

But Griffin was having none of it. She hilariously shut down the writer by sharing a photo of her opulent Bel Air mansion.

‘Dear Milo Yiannopoulos, I’d tag you, but you were kicked off Twitter for harassing a famous black woman comic,’ Griffin wrote on Twitter.

‘This morning, I woke up in my 13,000 sq foot Bel-Air mansion which I paid cash for. Unlike you, I’m not a flimsy superficial bitch…I saved my money.’

Slay queen

People flocked to Griffin’s Twitter to celebrate her brilliant clap back including, many celebrities who wanted to move in with her so they could use her pool.

Recording artist, Kyle McMahon, offered to be Griffin’s pool boy. To which Griffin replied: ‘only if you pay me’.

Even Winter Olympic medallist, Adam Rippon got in on the action.

‘My wealthy fucking queen,’ he replied with a crown emoji.

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