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NSPCC cancel Mumsnet child abuse live chat after flood of transphobia

Written by gaytourism

NSPCC revealed why they canceled the live chat | Photo: Pixabay, posed by actor

The NSPCC canceled a Facebook Live discussion on child abuse prevention with Mumsnet after a slew of transphobia from users.

Britain’s leading child abuse charity, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), attempted to set up a Facebook Live discussion on Thursday 30 August with Mumsnet.

The chat hoped to help parents talk to kids about staying safe from abuse, as they promote two of their recent campaigns Speak out. Stay safe, and PANTS.

However, nearly every single question posed to the NSPCC concerned trans children identifying as female. In them, the adults misgender trans kids, as well as conflate trans girls with rapists.

NSPCC drop child abuse chat because of transphobic mumsnetNSPCC drop child abuse chat because of transphobic mumsnetNSPCC drop child abuse chat because of transphobic mumsnetNSPCC drop child abuse chat because of transphobic mumsnet

After delaying the chat, the charity pulled out of the event, before releasing this statement to Mumsnet: ‘The NSPCC doesn’t consider there to be specific child protection concerns in relation to trans-inclusive policies.

‘Any space and activity involving children should have strong safeguarding policies in place, with a proper risk assessment to minimise the risks to all children involved.

‘And every adult working with children should undergo rigorous safety checks and vetting procedures to ensure that young people are safe in their care.

‘Trans young people are at particular risk of physical, sexual and emotional abuse from peers. This can heighten the risk of abuse by adults as children turn online for support and access to networks of those sharing similar views and feelings.

‘There should be high-quality, statutory relationships and sex education, alongside strong school safeguarding policies to ensure that all children are kept safe in school.’

Mumsnet and Transphobia

Earlier this year Channel 4 was accused of encouraging transphobic speech during a debate, though the channel categorically denied that was the case.

During their televised Genderquake show – which aired in May 2018 – audience members hurled abuse at trans speakers Caitlyn Jenner and Monroe Bergdof.

Trans Media Watch cited a Mumsnet forum where Posie Parker claimed producers encouraged them to heckle.

Posie Parker was interviewed by police earlier this year in connection with alleged abusive postings about the CEO of a trans support group.

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