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People are furious about this Republican’s transphobic ad

Written by gaytourism

The ad depicts various groups of people. | Photo: YouTube/Rich Miller

Republican State Representative Jeanne Ives is running against Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner in the Republican primary this year. Over the weekend, she released an ad that has many people up in arms.

It portrays various actors taking on the roles of a transgender woman, a feminist at the Woman’s March, and more.

In the video, they sarcastically thank Governor Rauner for numerous bills.

At the end, they simply say: ‘Thank you for betraying Illinois Republicans.’

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The condemned legislation

‘Thank you for signing legislation that lets me use the girls’ bathroom,’ says the actor playing a trans woman in a dress.

The House Bill in question — 1785 — allows people to change their gender on birth certificates with a doctor’s permission. It says nothing about bathrooms.

Another bill, HB 40, expanded state-funding for abortions for women on Medicaid. The actor in a pink ‘pussy’ hat thanks Rauner for making ‘Illinois families pay for my abortions’.

The Illinois Trust Act is another piece of legislation. It prohibits authorities from detaining people based on their immigration status.

‘Nakedly bigoted’

The ad quickly faced scrutiny and criticism.

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider released a statement:

The statement says Ives’ ad ‘does not reflect who we are as the Party of Lincoln’. It also advises Ives to take down the ad.

Former Republican chairman Pat Brady called it ‘racist, bigoted, homophobic’.

Erika Holder, the state’s Attorney General, also released a statement:

State Representative Grant Wehrli called it ‘shameful’.

Several others chimed in as well.

Ives, however, is defending her ad.

The views expressed here aren’t new. In 2013, she called homosexual relationships ‘disordered‘.

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