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A petition to ban ‘obscene’ Pride in Scotland gains hundreds of signatures

Written by gaytourism

A petition asking to ban a Pride parade in Inverness has gained hundreds of signatures in support.

The Scottish town is set to host Proud Ness on 6 October, having applied for permission to march along High Street to Eden Court Theater.

However, an evangelical member of the Free Church of Scotland, Donald Morrison, has amassed 600 signatures to ban the event. He cites ‘moral objections’ and says he wants to keep the streets ‘child-friendly’.

Morrison told the Scottish Sun: ‘A lot of people are unhappy with the event on moral and religious grounds so we are protesting it on the strongest possible terms.’

He added: ‘It’s nothing against personal individuals who want to live their life that way. There is no hate or loathing towards them, that is not why we are protesting it is strictly on moral grounds.

Protecting the children…

‘This becomes evident especially in city centres when they thrust lewdness in the faces of men, women and children alike by frolicking unashamedly on rainbow-coloured floats making obscene gestures.’

He said that the ‘unsavoury event’ is ‘deeply disturbing’ for children to see.

However, a counter-petition got over 1000 signatures in 24 hours.

Gay Star News reached out to the Highland LGBT Forum, who organized the event.

They told us: ‘The petition to stop the march is sad to see, but not unexpected. It’s almost impossible to please everyone. And the gentleman in question is entitled to express his opinion.

‘We are pleased with the communities rallying support and see that an online petition has gained more than 1000 signatures in about 24 hours.

‘So we look forward to marching on 6 October and the rest of the day events planned. The highland council have shown nothing but support so we have no concerns about the march not taking place.’

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