GAY global news


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Columbia City Council is now at the crossroads to approve or deny the ordinance set by the University of Missouri’s Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) to make Columbia a safe haven for the LGBTQ community.

Members and supporters of YDSA are optimistic, hoping to hear a resounding ‘yes’ on Monday. Reese Holcomb, Co-chair of the Safe Haven campaign, organized a gathering Sunday night where participants prepared speeches and posters.

The organization is advocating for the approval of two bills aimed at easing Missouri’s regulations concerning restroom protocols and restrictions on drug usage during gender transition.

“I’m hoping that they vote in both the ordinance as it’s drafted right now. But there’s also two additional amendments that are potentially up,” said Paul Harper, Coordinator at the Parents for Parents group.

The turnout wasn’t limited to students. Parents also joined the cause in support of their children.

“I’ve got a child who is LGBTQ, and I want my city to be safe for my child,” Harper said.

Members emphasized that the City Council has been cooperative throughout the process, but they are ready for any outcome.

“We’ve got a coalition from university students to us old people, and we’re not going away,” said Harper said.


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