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Anti-LGBTQ+ governor candidate flees reporters by hiding in an elevator

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North Carolina’s anti-LGBTQ+ Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R) – who is running for governor and considers LGBTQ+ people as “filthy” “demons” who “mentally rape” children — dodged local TV news reporters who wanted to ask him about his recent comments encouraging religious conservatives to kill leftists. Instead of answering, his campaign manager blocked journalists from speaking to him, and Robinson called the reporters “shameful” as he fled them by disappearing into an elevator.

Reporters from local news station WRAL tried to question Robinson about his past comments on Wednesday after he attended a ceremony at the state legislature honoring a Craven County police officer for bravery.

Reporters followed Robinson after the ceremony and asked if he would answer a few questions. Instead of answering the question, his campaign spokesman Mike Lonergan said Robinson would only talk to reporters if they had questions about the police officer’s honorary ceremony.

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“You want to come out here and besmirch that lady’s award by coming out here and asking me that silly question?” Robinson said while ducking into an elevator without answering questions. “That’s what you got out of this? There’s your answer. Shameful, that’s what it is. Pure shameful. And you should be ashamed.”

In a TV news broadcast later, the journalist who Robinson fled from, WRAL reporter Laura Leslie said, “It is a routine thing for reporters to ask elected officials questions after public events. We do that all the time, especially when those officials are hard to get access to otherwise.” Robinson rarely holds press conferences, Leslie added, and he has denied or not responded to WRAL’s repeated interview requests.

When WRAL later contacted Robinson for an interview, Lonergan told WRAL “You will not be getting an interview today and probably not anytime soon either.”

Meanwhile, North Carolina Democratic Party Chairwoman Anderson Clayton said during a Wednesday virtual news conference, “Mark Robinson makes North Carolina less safe…. It’s jarring and irresponsible for the sitting lieutenant governor and the Republican nominee for governor to say something so reckless and so clearly intended to incite violence.”

Among Robinson’s many anti-LGBTQ+ statements, he has called homosexuality “an abominable sin,” referred to lesbian celebrity Ellen DeGeneres as a “top ranking demon… proudly serving in Satan’s army,” and has called former First Lady Michelle Obama “a man,” repeating a transphobic misogynoir conspiracy theory. He has also called the trans equality movement “demonic” and “full of the spirit of Antichrist.”

In March 2023, Robinson declared that God created him to battle against LGBTQ+ rights and added, “Makes me sick every time I see it — a church that flies that Rainbow flag, which is a direct spit in the face of God almighty.” In 2021, Robinson compared LGBTQ+ people to cow dung.

In 2021, Robinson created an education task force to investigate and pull LGBTQ+ literature from public schools, as well as report instances of LGBTQ+ inclusion in schools. In an October 24, 2019 Facebook post against gender-affirming care for minors, Robinson wrote that trans children are being “mentally raped” by their parents and other supportive adults. In 2017, he wrote on Facebook, “You CAN NOT love God and support the homosexual agenda.”

Robinson has said that trans people should defecate on public street corners outside rather than using bathrooms matching their gender identity. He also wrote on social media, later adding, “Note to liberals; I’ll accept ‘Gay Pride’ when you accept ‘White Pride.’”

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