GAY global news

Are you scared of getting older and is the LGBTI world ageist?

Written by gaytourism

What are the highs and lows of being an older LGBTI person? | Photo posed by model.

Are you scared of getting older? Is the gay scene ageist? What are the best and worst things about being an older LGBTI person?

We want to know all this and more in our big survey about getting older as an LGBTI person.

Whatever age you are, we want to know your thoughts. That way, we hope to build a big picture of what our community thinks about age and aging. So if you are a teenager, a senior or anything in between, you can have your say.

Gay Star News is working with organisations and individuals dedicated to helping improve the future of older LGBTI people. We will be sharing the results with them, and publishing them, to ensure the information you share influences the right people.

Take part in our survey here

More about our survey

We have set up our survey to ask you relevant questions. So the information you provide at the beginning determines what else we ask you. That makes it quicker and more interesting to complete. We expect it to take no more than five minutes to finish.

We try to make our surveys engaging and thought-provoking so they are enjoyable to do. As always, we welcome your feedback on the questions we ask and the way we ask them. It will help us improve our research in future.

We will keep all responses totally anonymous. And we will keep your data secure and confidential. If you kindly provide your email to subscribe to our newsletter or to hear about future surveys, only Gay Star News will contact you, nobody else.

Numbers count – so please share the survey with anyone you think may be interested in helping.

We are really aware our survey is online, and that’s not accessible to all older LGBTI people. So if you can help a friend or family member complete it, we would be particularly grateful.

More about being an older LGBTI person

For Digital Pride, we worked with Age UK to bring older and younger LGBTI people together to share their stories and experiences. You can find out more about the project here.

Got a news tip? Want to share your story? Email us .