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Asia O’Hara says sorry for failed butterfly finale lip-sync stunt

Written by gaytourism

Asia O’Hara’s lip-sync stunt did not go down well

During season 9’s lip-sync for the crown, the world’s jaw dropped as they saw Sasha Velour lifted up her wig and let rose petals fall to the ground.

And so, during season 10, it was assured every queen would try to top that wow moment.

But, sadly, for Asia O’Hara it didn’t go to plan.

The performer had planned to release butterflies from her costume during the lip-sync for the crown.

However, unfortunately, the butterflies never took flight.

Paired with Kameron Michaels for a performance to Janet Jackson’s Nasty, Asia had massive containers strapped to her chest.

And then when she went to release them, she hoped live butterflies would fly into the air.

However, the butterflies just dropped to the floor.

Many fans, and even queens in the audience, thought they were dead.

Asia says sorry for failed lip-sync stunt

Asia wrote: ‘I just want to let everyone know how sad and heartbroken I am by the way my lip-sync performance during the finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race turned out.

‘Despite months of research and rehearsing with a professional company, what I hoped would be an amazing and safe display of optimism, and a surprise for everyone including production and the network, it did not go as planned.

‘I would like to publicly offer the entire world my deepest apology. It’s important that everyone knows that I would never purposely hurt any living being and have the utmost respect for all animals.

‘If you are unhappy with me, I understand. I have been unhappy with myself since that night but I’m going to do my best to make it right. Over the next year, my friends and I will be donating over 100 volunteer hours to the ASPCA, an organization that has been dedicated to the fair treatment of animals since 1866.

‘I can’t apologize enough for what happened. I want my fans and the world to know that I’ll continue to be humble, own my mistakes, and lead with love and light.’

Asia had chosen Painted Lady butterflies, and it turns out they need to be warm to fly away.

Asia told Entertainment Weekly: ‘They need to warm up to a certain temperature in order to fly away. I, of course, rehearsed it at home several times and it worked, but [the finale was] a different place and a different environment, and I don’t think the contraptions were warm enough to wake the butterflies up.

‘But, as they warmed up in the stage lights during the break, they started to fly away!’

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