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Australian woman found guilty of decapitating bisexual partner

Written by gaytourism

Lindy and George | Photo: YouTube/News Media and Facebook

A jury in Queensland, Australia took less than one day to find a woman guilty of murdering her bisexual partner.

Lindy Yvonne Williams, 60, was on trial for the 2013 murder of George Gerbic.

Earlier in the trial, Williams admitted to moving the body and setting it on fire. She denied, however, murdering him.

Authorites found Gerbic’s body burning on the side of Cedar Pocket Road near Gympie.

According to testimony, the couple previously fought about Gerbic’s bisexuality. Williams claimed he had another phone to maintain a separate relationship with a man.

Before his death, Williams said they had a violent confrontation in which he attacked her with a knife and he slipped in her blood, falling and hitting his head. She left the house and when she returned, Gerbic’s body was missing its head, legs, and arms.

According to prosecutors, however, Williams was the one who dismembered Gerbic’s body with a saw. Then, for several months after his death, she maintained the lie with friends and family that Gerbic was overseas.

Brisbane’s Supreme Court jury did not accept the argument of self-defense. Instead, last week, they found Williams guilty with a sentence of life in prison.

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