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Brett Kavanugh avoided LGBTI questions, but still looks primed for Supreme Court confirmation

Written by gaytourism

At the hearing | Photo: YouTube/MSNBC

The Senate hearings for confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court happened last week, and they were full of non-answers.

First he avoided Senator Kamala Harris’ (D-CA) question about marriage equality, then he did the same with Cory Booker (D-NJ).

Booker, a rising star in the Democratic party and one some people think may run for President in 2020, posted the exchange on his Twitter account.

‘I asked Brett Kavanaugh if he think it’s ok to fire someone just because of their sexual orientation,’ he wrote. ‘He refused to say no.’

When Booker point-blank asked Kavanaugh if it would be wrong to fire a person simply because you found out they were gay, Kavanaugh avoided a clear answer.

‘Senator, in my workplace I hire people because of their talents and abilities,’ he said in response.

Booker then cut him off, and changed directions, asking Kavanaugh for his personal opinion on same-sex marriage.

Kavanaugh said: ‘I don’t recall.’

When Booker clarified again, asking for his opinion now and not then, Kavanaugh brought up Obergefell. Booker continued to try and get an answer out of Kavanaugh, who insisted: ‘I am a judge, I apply the law.’

It’s not the first time such an exchange has happened during these hearings.

Previously, Kavanaugh refused to answer questions about presidential powers or ‘hypotheticals‘.

Major opposition

Most of those on the left oppose Kavanaugh’s confirmation — or at the very least, want his confirmation to wait until after the midterms, like the Republicans did to Barack Obama’s choice Merrick Garland during the 2016 election.

Numerous LGBTI and women’s organizations stand against Kavanaugh. He is a judge with conservative views, such as being anti-abortion.

On the first day of his heading, protesters showed up wearing Handmaid costumes, and more than 20 people were arrested.

Despite the contentious nature of Kavanaugh’s hearings — and that Democrats are still calling into question his honesty, as well as the effect of the midterm elections — it looks likely Kavanaugh will be confirmed by the Senate.

If he is, there will be a clear conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

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