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Celebrities are buying out Love, Simon screenings and giving free tickets to LGBTI people

Written by gaytourism

Matt Bomer, Kristen Bell, Neil Patrick Harris. | NBC Universal press, Gage Skidmore, vagueonthehow / Flickr

Celebrities are buying out movie theatre screenings of Love, Simon and giving the tickets away for free to LGBTI people.

Love, Simon is a coming of age film about a young gay man realizing his sexuality. It came out in theatres in the US on 16 March.

And now Actors Neil Patrick Harris, Matt Bomer and Kristen Bell are among a slew of celebrities feeling so impacted by the movie, they want as many people to see it as possible.

Taking to Instagram, Neil Patrick Harris said: ‘So my husband David (@dbelicious) and I enjoyed @lovesimonmovie so much, we wanted to pay it forward. Others are doing this, and I’m so on board.’

Matt Bomer also wrote: ‘This is an important movie, and a really good one. I know you’ll love it so come watch for free this Sunday!’

Actress Kristen Bell said: ‘I had absolutely nothing to do with the making of this movie – I just have a huge crush on it and I’d like to share the love. Minneapolis, please enjoy a screening of Love, Simon this Sunday on me.’

‘Love, Simon is a movie I would have needed when I was growing up’

Director of Love, Simon Greg Berlanti wrote: ‘[My husband] Robbie Rogers and I have been so emotionally affected to the reactions to @lovesimonmovie and to supporters hosting screenings that we have decided to buy out two theatres. We have partnered with local LGBTQ organizations in Jackson, MS and Louisville, KY. Our hope is that young LGBTQ people in these cities that might not have the opportunity to see Love Simon now will have the chance.’

Actor Daniel Preda said: ‘This is such an important film for the LGBTQ+ family and everyone in between. Enjoy the free movie, drinks & snacks.’

Tyler Oakley also participated in the theatre screening buy out movement. He wrote on Twitter: ‘Love, Simon is a movie i would have needed when i was growing up, so i want to make sure queer kids in my hometown have a chance to see it.

Love, Simon comes out in the UK on 6 April.

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