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Check out India’s first app exclusively for the LGBTI community

Written by gaytourism

India has just launched its first LGBTI friendly app. | Photo: Pixabay | rawpixel / 536 images | Public Domain)

India’s first ever smartphone app to serve all the needs of the LGBTI community has launched and proving a hit.

The Delta Connect app caters to the unique challenges faced by the LGBTI community in India.

‘Delta Connectis creating a safe place for users to meet verified, like-minded people through powerful security & compatibility methods,’ the app’s creators said.

‘Delta Community will power a secure space for users to explore shared interests, access peer networks & engage in discussions & forums.’

The Delta Network created the unique app and hoped it will provide a centralized space for users to find LGBT inclusive venues, businesses, professionals, other resources and calendar of events across India.

Why India needs a LGBTI exclusive app

The Delta Network is a consortium of businesses across industries that identify as LGBTQ inclusive and friendly.

It released a video 11 LGBTI people who trolls had targeted online because of their sexual and/or gender identity.

The hatred sent their way proved how far India has to go to ensure equality and protection of LGBTI people. Homosexuality is also criminalized in India under Section 377 of the Penal Code.

In the video the 11 people read real messages they have received from homophobic and transphobic trolls.

‘All you gay people are paedophiles,’ one person read.

‘It’s a good thing your father died, or he would have had to see this day,’ another said.

While one woman read a message sent to her: ‘You need to meet a real man. You will stop liking women once you meet me.’

‘LGBTQ people around the world often face discrimination in their personal and professional lives. We want to address these challenges head-on,’ The Delta Network said.

Watch the video:

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