GAY global news

Chelsea Manning ‘safe’ after posting and deleting alarming tweet

Written by gaytourism

Chelsea Manning posted a photo of what appears to be her standing on the edge of a high-rise building.

In the early hours of last night, she posted a photo with the caption ‘I’m sorry’.

The photo shows someone standing on a marble stone ledge on top of a multi-storey building.

Someone quickly deleted the post as soon as it went out.

Then a message came from her official Twitter account. It read: ‘Chelsea is safe. She is on the phone with friends.

‘Thanks everyone for your concern and please give her some space,’ the tweet read.

Manning has a long history of mental health issues. She reportedly tried to commit suicide in July 2016, while detained in jail.

Chelsea Manning for US Senate

Manning recently announced a run for US Senate earlier this year.

The trans activist and former Army Intelligence Analyst announced she will be running for the U.S. Senate in Maryland. She will run as a democrat.

She said in her campaign video: ‘We live in trying times. Times of Fear— of suppression— of hate. We don’t need more—or better leaders.

‘We need someone willing to fight,’ she said.

Manning also appeared on the cover of Vogue.