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Christian college stops student from finishing degree because he’s gay

Written by gaytourism

A Christian College has stopped a man from returning to finish his degree because he’s gay.

Gary Campbell hoped to resume his classes at Clarks Summit University in order to receive the final six credits for a Bachelor’s degree. Afterwards, he planned to start a job working with recovering addicts.

However, Gary says the school dismissed him because he’s gay.

The college, in Pennsylvania, prohibits students from engaging in same-sex relationships and ‘reserves the right to dismiss or deny the enrollment of those whose behavior or influence upon our community should prove to be contrary to the best interests of our students, the Clarks Summity University Community Commitment and to our Lord Jesus Christ,’ according to the school handbook.

No public affection

They originally accepted him into the college. But once informed of his sexuality they repealed the offer.

The prospective student wrote to the college: ‘One of my top goals being in recovery was to finish my bachelor’s degree. Having a degree is much more to me than a certificate, it’s a culmination of hard work, sweat and tears, and I owe it to myself and to my recovery to accomplish this goal.

‘I ask that you not view me only as a homosexual, but as a determined, compassionate, hard-working man who is of good moral character. My goal again is to assist my community and help those who are struggling in the grip of addiction.’

However, the college refused his request, according to The Citizens’ Voice.

Gary is now looking for an attorney.

The road to college

Originally, Campbell earned 109 college credits from 2001 to 2003, before dropping out. He planned to finish at community college. Instead, he enlisted in the Navy.

He struggled with alcoholism throughout and was discharged after driving drunk on base.

Gary is now 19 months sober and wants to use his degree to help other people. He even crowdfunded the $795  (£612/686.65EU) to finish it.

According to the handbook, students must attend chapel, cannot display physical affection (including holding hands) and cannot spend time alone with members of the opposite sex. They also can’t smoke, drink, or watch R rated movies, even if over 21-years-old.

Gay Star News reached out to Clarks Summit University for comment.

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