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Death threats sent to Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black for announcing baby

Written by gaytourism

Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black have announced they are having a baby

Death threats are being sent to married couple Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black following the announcement of their baby.

The Olympic star and Oscar-winning screenwriter chose Valentine’s Day as the perfect time to reveal a picture of an ultrasound scan.

But now internet trolls are trashing the couple, with some even sending hideous threats online.

Death threats sent to Tom and Dustin for announcing baby

‘Die f*gs,’ one said on Instagram.

‘Your choices will lead you to hell,’ another said. ‘Your choices will speed your way to the Devil’s kingdom!’

Others said the couple should be ‘put to death’ for involving children in a rainbow family.

‘Do not involve previous children in your sin! The baby should stay with the mother and be brought up in a normal home!’

‘Sickness leads to sickness!’

And other trolls were just biologically and factually inaccurate.

‘Children born of gays are more likely to have Down’s [syndrome]!’ one said. ‘Sickness leads to sickness!’

Another said: ‘Did one of you have to get a womb transplant??’

And some just couldn’t spell.

‘Repent at cross of Christ 4 ur idolatory homo sin,’ another said.

Attacked on the radio after baby news

It’s not just internet trolls either. On LBC, one host derided the couple as ‘sinister’.

‘Is there something sinister about the woman’s exclusion in this scenario?’ the radio station tweeted.

Listeners slammed the debate.

Richard Littlejohn in Daily Mail goes on transphobic and homophobic rant

And in today’s Daily Mail, Richard Littlejohn attacked Daley and Black.

Under the heading, ‘Please don’t pretend two dads is the new normal’, he went on a homophobic and transphobic rant in his column.

Littlejohn accused the couple of treating a baby like a ‘fashion accessory’ and seeing the woman as a ‘breeding machine’.

He also referenced a trans woman who had hoped to breast feed as a ‘he/she’.

‘Someone in possession of a full set of wedding tackle is a man, not a woman,’ he said.

He concluded: ‘Stop pretending this is the new normal. Not in our house, it isn’t. Nor, I suspect, in yours or 99.99% of the rest of the world, either.

‘Still I’m looking forward to the photos of Tom Daley breast-feeding his new baby.’

But there’s a lot of support for Tom and Dustin

Thankfully, largely the majority of the comments directed at the couple have been supportive.

Just one of several tweets reads: ‘Congratulations! I love you both and you will be the greatest family!’

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