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District Takes Down ‘LGBTQ Resources’ Link to Org With Transgender Surgery Information After Daily Signal Exposé

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District Takes Down ‘LGBTQ Resources’ Page

A California high school took down its “LGBTQ Resources” webpage shortly following The Daily Signal’s report exposing it.

Newport Harbor High School in the Newport Mesa Unified School District had posters around its halls with scannable QR codes in its hallways that take students to a number of “LGBTQ+ Resources,” including the LGBTQ Center of Orange County’s website, according to photos shared with The Daily Signal.

Now, the QR code takes scanners to an “Error” page.

The now-deleted resources included this link to “LGBTQ Affirming Therapy” provided by the LGBTQ Center OC.

The link takes students to a form that helps them connect with a therapist who can write a referral letter for transition procedures.

The LGBTQ Center’s website also has a form that connects minors with doctors who prescribe sterilizing hormone-therapy regimens and perform irreversible gender-transition surgeries.

The form asks the person filling it out to select what kind of transgender surgery they are interested in. Options include “top surgery/chest masculinization,” “breast augmentation/chest feminization,” “facial feminization or masculinization,” “tracheal shave,” “body contouring,” “hysterectomy,” “phalloplasty,” “vaginoplasty,” “metoidioplasty,” and “orchiectomy.”

The district denied that it refers students to “gender-affirming care.”

“We do not partner with any of the resource providers and none of our direct links are connected to gender transition counseling/therapy,” Newport Mesa public relations officer Annette Franco told The Daily Signal in an email. “We support students and know they are more successful when we involve their parents and families in decisions that impact their lives.”


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