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Dolce & Gabbana refuse to pass on their label after they die

Written by gaytourism

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana with Karen Nelson. | Photo: Stefano Gabbana / Instagram

Fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana say when they die, their fashion label dies with them.

In an interview with Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Gabbana said: ‘Once we will be dead, we will be dead.’

He added: ‘I don’t want a Japanese designer to design for Dolce & Gabbana.’

The pair revealed they’ve had offers to buy the company but they’ve refused every time.

Dolce said: ‘We have rejected all offers to buy [the company]. One can have a lot of money but if you are not free, what do you do with it?’

Gabbana also revealed he’s not interested in acquiring any more wealth because he’s constantly working and doesn’t have time to spend it.

He said: ‘I don’t care about becoming richer – my goal is to be successful.’

The openly gay Italian fashion designers used to be romantically involved, but split up in 2005.

They now both have partners. Dolce said: ‘Even today, what is mine is his, and what is his is mine. Our new partners know that’s how it is, whether they like it or not.’

Dolce & Gabbana: ‘The only family is the traditional one’

The fashion powerhouse came under fire in 2015 after the duo spoke out against same-sex families.

They said at the time: ‘The only family is the traditional one. No chemical offsprings and rented uterus. Life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed.

‘You’re born and there is a father and a mother. Or at least it should be. So I am not convinced that I call children of chemistry, synthetic children.’

This resulted in feud with gay megastar Elton John, who has a family with his partner David Furnish.

John said: ‘How dare you call my children synthetic’ and started a campaign to boycott Dolce & Gabbana.

Celebrities like Ricky Martin, Courtney Love, Victoria Beckham and John Barrowman all threw their support behind Elton John. The fashion house fought back with a campaign called Je Suis D&G.

They later backed down later that year.

Stefano Gabbana also made headlines last year for dressing Melania Trump and then telling people not to call him gay.

An Instagram user commented on a photo he posted of the American First Lady: ‘Sad when a gay designer doesn’t care about other groups being repressed.’

Gabbana clapped back saying: ‘Don’t call me gay please!! Im a man!!! Who I love its my private life!!!’

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