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Edison: LGBTQ Listeners Spend More Time With Audio, Especially Podcasts.

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Looks like iHeartMedia was onto something when it launched the LGBTQ-targeted Outspoken Podcast Network last year. New data from Edison Research finds among listeners aged 13 and older in the U.S., those who identify as LGBTQ spend 48% more time listening to podcasts each day than the population overall. The Share of Ear data shows they spend an average of 40 minutes per day listening to podcasts, compared to 27 minutes for the general population. Edison also says that 14% of LBGTQ listeners’ daily audio time goes to podcast listening, versus 11% for the population overall.

The research firm says that LGBTQ listeners also spend more time overall with audio daily. Its Share of Ear shows that among this group, listeners aged 13 and older spend 16% more total daily time with all audio sources than the overall population.

“It is no surprise that the audio choices of LGBT listeners include a medium that allows for individualism, creativity, and expression: podcasts,” says Edison in a blog post.

Podcasts can provide a unique vehicle for specialized and targeted content, where listeners find community. And that is something we can all be proud of.”

Edison’s Infinite Dial report earlier showed how podcast audiences overall are being more diverse, with 48% of Blacks and 43% of Hispanics now listening to podcasts on a monthly basis.

And Edison’s The Podcast Consumer 2024 study offers a more detailed look at the numbers. It reports the number of U.S. women listening to podcasts has hit a new high as 48% of women are monthly podcast listeners.

“The composition of podcast listeners has drastically changed over the past decade,” Edison VP Megan Lazovick said during a presentation of the findings last month. “Podcasts are an excellent venue to reach and connect with audiences of people from all backgrounds. And that engagement is strengthened when the messages are coming from people within those communities.”


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