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FDA approves two new HIV drug treatments for patients

Written by gaytourism

New drugs for HIV are on the market | Photo: Pixabay

The US Food and Drug Administration recently approved two new HIV drug treatments for patients living with it.

The drugs are Pifeltro and Delstrigo, both of which are taken orally once a day. They are meant for adult patients who are HIV-positive, with no prior antretroviral and in no combination with other HIV drugs.

‘There are some studies which suggest better adherence with once-daily antiretroviral regimens compared to older regimens or multiple pill regimens,’ said Dr. Carey Hwang. He is the executive director of infectious diseases, global clinical development at Merck Research Laboratories.

Both drugs’ approval were based on two phase 3 trials.

George Hanna, vice president and therapeutic area head of infectious diseases, global clinical development at Merck Research, said: ‘We are thankful to the researchers as well as those living with HIV and their communities for the collaboration that made today’s approval possible.’

Affecting more than one million

As of 2015, when the last comprehensive report was done, about 1.1 million people were living with HIV in the US.

That same year, there were around 38,500 new HIV infections, which was down from 41,800 in 2010.

From 2011 to 2015, the annual number of new diagnoses declined by 5%. In 2016, then, where were 39,782 new diagnoses.

Most people who are at risk for HIV are gay and bisexual men, or other men who have sex with men. Further, African-Americans are disproportionately at a higher risk than others.

H/t: HIV Plus Magazine

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