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Gay couple do Muriel’s Wedding ABBA dance at their reception – and it’s amazing

Written by gaytourism

The original Muriels Wedding, VS the wedding Muriel always dreamed of | Photo: Ciby / John McClain

When a gay couple wedding dance video re-surfaced on Instagram, we had to know more about why it became so legendary.

It sees the happy couple Pete and John, who have now been happily married for over two years, recreating an infamous scene from Muriel’s Wedding.

If you don’t know the movie it follows Muriel Heslop, played by Toni Collette, who is obsessed with the music of ABBA.

Muriel is the target of ridicule by the snooty, more fashion-conscious girls she considers her friends. And her only dream? To have a glamorous wedding.

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Well, Pete and John have lived Muriel’s dream. And they have now told Gay Star News how their very own glamorous wedding came together.

Because recreating the talent show winning ‘Waterloo dance’ – that solidifies Murial and her recently re-acquainted best mate’s friendship in the movie – was the centerpiece of the entire fabulous sware.

The couple, clad in Waterloo outfits, enter through the side doors and take to the dance floor in style.

As the Muriel’s Wedding DVD plays in the background, their moves are entirely in sync – well, almost:

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But why did their wedding have to be more glam that Muriel could have ever dreamed?

John tells GSN: ‘We incorporated all of our favorite things into the wedding.’

Yes, including one of their favorite movie scenes, but also: having an Armadillo shaped cake and Steel Magnolias.

‘And I sang my wedding vows to him.’

Muriel would be so jealous.

‘We took so much time in planning our wedding to make it ours. We walked down the aisle to “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.” And all I can say is that no other phrase has ever been truer for two people.’

Just moment's after saying 'I Do.' | Photo: John McClain

Just moment’s after saying ‘I Do.’ | Photo: John McClain

They met when John went on a date with Pete’s roommate

Pete met John when we went to do a CNN internship in Atlanta, Georgia. John who lived in Georgia tells GSN, Pete was only there for three months. But he actually started by dating Pete’s roommate:

‘I actually went on a blind date with his roommate and the roommate and I didn’t click, but I noticed this cute and charming guy when I would visit his roommate. We chatted at times and finally went on a date. He was this young 21-year-old and his roommate became very protective of him being a young and vulnerable gay kid.

‘Pete actually thought that his roommate had arranged for me to take care of him while his roommate was out of town. He had no idea it was a “real” date.’

Was it shady of John to ask Pete out while the roommate was out of town?

‘Nope. It just happened to be when Rent the musical was playing in town. (The musical, Pete quoted in his wedding vows).’ – obviously.

The relationship goals of this two. SERIOUSLY Photo: John McClain

The famous armidillo cake Photo: John McClain

What happened to the roommate?

‘Fast forward to some uncomfortable conversations with Pete, myself, and his roommate – and Pete and I officially started our relationship.

‘How did things end with his roommate you might ask? Rough going for a while, but we are all friends today.’

After a long time dating while Pete finished college, the love up pair finally moved in together after his graduation.

‘Might sound cliche, but this truly was a love at first sight situation. I knew the second I first saw him, albeit over his roommate’s shoulder, that we would be together forever.

While Pete’s mom is from Thailand, his dad is from Missouri. They met when his mom while serving in the Air Force stationed in Thailand.

Pete was conceived in Thailand but his parents wanted him to be born in the United States, so they moved to Florida shortly before his birth.

With those roots, the duo visit Thailand quite often to see his family that still lives there.

John and Pete holidaying together in St. Kitts | Photo: Instagram

John and Pete holidaying together in St. Kitts | Photo: Instagram

You haven’t even heard the proposal story yet

As if the relationship goals in this story were not already strong enough. Wait until you hear how John proposed.

‘I made a video with all our pets in it (including a photo our sweet kitty that had just passed). Each animal (our dog and two cats) “held” a sign that said “WILL” “YOU” “MARRY” and the last line was me holding a sign that said “ME?”

‘I set up my laptop at the front door and as he entered he saw a sign that said “press play.” The animals and I hid in the bedroom and we all came out at the end and were both crying. He said yes :)’

Can anyone say no to that kind of proposal?

The relationship goals of these two. SERIOUSLY | Photo: John McClain

The relationship goals of these two. SERIOUSLY | Photo: John McClain

How do they weather the ups and downs of their relationship?

‘Our 16-year relationship has had its ups and downs like any couple would have, we have moved from Atlanta to Florida to California, shared sad, happy, and exciting experiences, even worked together for three years to get my interior design business started.’

As part of this Peter lives in LA full time and I am in Orlando, Florida full time. So they only see each other once every two to three weeks.

‘I wouldn’t change a minute of it, and the best part is that we are more in love today than when we first met, and are more excited than ever about our future.

CuteAF. | Photo: John McClain

CuteAF. | Photo: John McClain

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