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Gay porn star reveals cancer diagnosis with candid Twitter posting

Written by gaytourism

Shane Cook (Photo: Helis Studios)

A gay adult entertainment star has revealed that he is currently fighting cancer.

Shane Cook, 22, is based in Missouri in the US. He appears in films for San Diego-based porn studio, Helix.

Two days ago he revealed he is currently dealing with major health challenges. He posted a photo to Twitter in which a lump is clearly visible on his upper chest.

The accompanying message read: ‘Hello everyone I’m posting this picture because I’m tired of being embarrassed about something I have no control over. So about 3 or 4 months ago I was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer and in Short am handling it very well!’

He went on to say, ‘I’ve had some hair loss and I’ve lost muscle but I haven’t lost anything that I won’t be able to get back and some so I’m going to keep doing what I need to do for myself and look forward to filming later on!’

He explained the lump visible under his skin is an implantable ‘port’.

‘It’s what they use for injections so your arms don’t get scared from IV.’

What is Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. This is the system of nodes and vessels that makes up part of your immune system and which helps circulate infection-fighting defense cells around your body.

It typically presents as a swelling in your lymph glands, and although a less common cancer, typically affects young adults in their 20s or people over 70. Treatment is usually chemotherapy or radiotherapy. There’s a good survival rate if caught early enough. Anyone with persistently swollen glands should consult their physician for advice.

The Lymphoma Research Foundation offers a wealth of further information.

Cook’s message prompted hundreds of messages of support. Others who have had lymphoma have also commented and highlighted that the survival rate is high.

‘As a nurse I see people recover well from this type of thing,’ said @willwlb. ‘Make sure you have a strong support system and make sure to lean on them in your times of need don’t go through this alone.’

GSN has reached out to Cook for further comment.

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