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Gay right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos dropped from political con after uproar

Written by gaytourism

Milo Yiannopoulos is a former editor at Breitbart News. | Photo: @milo.yiannopoulos/Instagram

Gay right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos won’t be appearing at Politicon, a bipartisan political convention in the US.

Politicon will be back on 20 and 21 October in Los Angeles. Speakers of all political views are due to take part, including Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson and conservative writer Ann Coulter.

The convention’s website originally featured the list of guests referring to Yiannopoulos as simply ‘Milo’.

Yiannopoulos, who made headlines for his controversial views, recently said that journalists should be gunned down by vigilantes. His statement was made only two days before the shooting at the Capital Gazette offices.

He also sparked outrage for revealing he had a relationship with a priest when he was young, making comments that seemed to justify relationships between adults and minors. He later apologized and clarified his comments.

Cameron Esposito dropped out of Politicon

Lesbian comedian Cameron Esposito was originally among the guests of this year’s Politicon.

Upon discovering the full lineup, Esposito took to Twitter to announce she won’t be appearing at the convention.

‘hey friends,’ she tweeted.

‘I did not know the line-up when I confirmed, but knowing what I know now, I won’t be appearing at Politicon.’

She also added: ‘Someone invite me to do something else that wknd.’

Esposito, who recently separated from wife Rhea Butcher, received the support of the community for her decision.

It is still not clear whether she will take part in the convention now that Yiannopolous is no longer attending.

Milo Yiannopoulos: ‘I couldn’t give a shit’

The outcry prompted Politicon organizers to drop Yiannopoulos.

‘To others, who care only about reputation and avoiding humiliation, I guess this would be a blow. Personally, I couldn’t give a shit,’ Yiannopoulos told TheWrap in a statement.

‘I subject myself to this continuous hell because unlike the needy, vacuous, desperate grifters of conservative media, I actually care about my fans and the stuff I talk about. And no amount of cancellations from now until the end of time will ever deter me from trying. Next!’

Read more from Gay Star News:

Milo Yiannopoulos wanted journalists ‘gunned down’ before newspaper mass shooting

Milo Yiannopoulos heckled as ‘Nazi scum’ forcing him to flee NYC bar

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