A 16-year-old girl was found not guilty on charges of ‘Catfishing’ her school teacher on Grindr and distributing nude pictures of him.
The unnamed girl in Jackson, North Carolina, US, was acquitted of misdemeanor disclosure of private images of the teacher.
A 16-year-old boy who is facing trial for the same offence, is still pending.
‘Catfishing’ girl ‘did not intend to cause teacher humiliation’
The Onslow County Sheriff’s office said the students of Swanboro High School obtained the images by misrepresenting themselves on gay dating app Grindr.
According to the testimony given in court, the girl fowarded the picture to the boy, who is then said to have shared them amongst a further five friends.
Matt Silva, the girl’s lawyer, said that the court could not prove she meant deliberate harm to the man.
Siva also argued that the man didn’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy after sending images to a stranger.
Catfishing involves creating a fake account on social media to trick people into thinking you are someone else.