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Group bashes gay couple outside nightclub in homophobic attack

Written by gaytourism

Joshua Dickson (L) and Alex Vlastis. | Photo: Joshua Dickson

An Australian gay couple assaulted in a homophobic attack said they were ‘disgusted’ by what happened to them.

Johsua Dickson and Alex Vlasits live in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast in the northern Australia of Queensland.

The pair were headed home from a night out when a group of teenagers approached them as they walked to their Uber.

‘One came right up close in my face, we just tried to leave, but they managed to separate us,’ Dickson told the Sunshine Coast Daily.

‘They got [Alex] from behind. I watched him fall to the ground. They coward punched (king hit) him.

One of the group allegedly hit Dickson, smashing his phone to the ground. After hitting Dickson the individual returned to his attack on Vlasits.

Dickson said the group allegedly targeted the couple because of their sexuality.

‘They called Alex a faggot. Kept saying we shouldn’t be together cause we are men,’ he said.

‘That in itself is not okay. And Noosa is the last place I’d expect it to happen.’

Traumatized and injured

The couple’s attack has left them deeply shaken.

They both suffered concussions and Vlasits also had bruising on his head and a cut on his head.

‘I’ve only been here for 12 months and in the time I’ve lived in Noosa I’ve had the most amazing times out. Everyone I’ve encountered has been lovely,’ Dickson wrote on Facebook.

‘To be targeted for being the individual you are, is the most degrading and disgusting thing I have ever experienced in my life.’

Gay Star News has contacted Queensland Police about its investigations into the assault.

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