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Iowa University Christian club rejects call to accept LGBTI leaders

Written by gaytourism

Rejected: Marcus Miller applied to Christian group, but refused to agree chastity rule. Photo: Marcus Miller, Twitter

A University of Iowa Christian student organization has rejected demands to allow gay men to run for leadership positions.

Business Leaders in Christ has battled with university officials since it rejected an application from a gay activist.

Marcus Miller applied for a position within the group, but refused to agree to a rule on chastity outside of marriage.

When the Christian group rejected Miller’s application, the university revoked its status as a registered student group, reported.

The university has blocked the group from participating in campus recruitment fairs, using campus facilities, or receiving campus funding.

University challenged: Christian group rejects call to accept LGBTI leaders. Photo: University of Iowa

Christian group claims discrimination

However, Business Leaders in Christ said the university is discriminating against it.

‘The University is discriminating against (us) because of our religious beliefs, while allowing other student groups to form around their shared values and beliefs,’ group spokesman Jacob Estell told University news site The College Fix.

‘We have not changed our mind or caved in to the university’s wishes.’

He added that the group already had anti-discrimination text in its constitution, and that its stance is based on behavior, not identity.

‘Anyone is, and always has been, welcome to be a member of BLinC,” Estell said. ‘We only ask that our leaders align with our mission, just like the Republican and Democratic student groups, the pro-life and pro-choice student groups, the fraternities and sororities, and every other group on campus does.’

The university has deregistered dozens of other groups that haven’t signed up to its human rights policy, the reported.

In January U.S. District Court Judge Stephanie Rose granted a temporary injunction blocking the University from deregistering the group for 90 days.

The case is due to go to court in March 2019.

See also:

Education campaigner says LGBTI teachers should stay in the closet, gets called ‘a dinosaur’

Christian group targeted LGBTI millennials with ‘gay cure’ videos

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