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Islamic Indian paper calls end of gay sex ban ‘step toward self-destruction’

Written by gaytourism

India’s LGBTI community celebrates Supreme Court decision to end gay sex ban (Photo: @srikumarbalaa via Twitter)

Leading English language Islamic paper Milli Gazette labeled the repeal of India’s gay sex ban a ‘step toward self-destruction’.

Much of India celebrated yesterday (6 September) as the country’s Supreme Court ruled to abolish the colonial-era Section 377 of the Penal Code. This outlawed ‘carnal intercourse against the order of nature’, which included anal and oral sex.

However, the Milli Gazette did not join in on the celebrations. Instead, they shared an Al Jazeera article about the decision with the caption: ‘A step towards self-destruction.’

Muslim newspaper Milli Gazette step towards destruction

The Milli Gazette describes itself as ‘Indian Muslims’ leading English newspaper.’

This isn’t the first time the Milli Gazette has spoken out against LGBTI rights. In May 2015, after Ireland became the first country to legalize equal marriage through popular vote, they published an opinion piece slamming the country.

Titled ‘Ireland captured through Gay Army, Satan on the March in West’, writer Dr Javed Jamil laments the victories of LGBTI rights activists in Europe and the USA.

He also makes the extraordinary claim that 50% of the inhabitants of ‘New Hollywood’ in the USA are gay.

India celebrates the appeal

While many Christian and Islamic groups condemned the decision, much of the country celebrated.

Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra, said on his judgement: ‘We have to vanquish prejudice, embrace inclusion, and ensure equal rights.’

Meanwhile, Aruna Desai of the Sweekar rainbow parents group, commented: ‘I’m beyond happy to hear this judgement. LGBTQIA individuals are no longer criminals before law.’

Celebrities like Bollywood star Karan Johar joined in, posting a rainbow flag on Twitter with the words ‘FINALLY!’ over it.

‘Historical judgment!!!! So proud today! Decriminalising homosexuality and abolishing #Section377 is a huge thumbs up for humanity and equal rights! The country gets its oxygen back.’

More from Gay Star News: 

15 beautiful pictures of Indian LGBTIs and allies kissing Section 377 goodbye

What is Section 377? Everything you need to know about India’s anti-gay law

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