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Ivanka Trump donates $50,000 to pro-‘gay cure’ therapy church

Written by gaytourism

Photo: YouTube

Ivanka Trump is the only daughter of Donald Trump and first wife Ivana.

Ivanka Trump has donated $50,000 dollars to a church that believes in ‘gay cure’ therapy.

The President’s daughter gave the large amount to the Prestonwood Baptist Church in Texas.

The lead pastor, Jack Graham, claims they are ‘working to provide solutions to care for children during this terrible immigration crisis’.

He added: ‘Our Espanol ministry led by Gilberto Corredera is stepping up to the challenge to express the love of Jesus. We are broken-hearted and determined to act.’

Church claims it’s fighting for immigrant children

On 18 June, it was revealed Trump’s migrant separation policy had led to terrifying results.

In what was called La Perrera – dog kennel in Spanish – children were separated from their family and caged after crossing the border from Mexico illegally.

Officials on both sides of the political divide were shocked by the traumatizing treatment of these immigrants.

But it appears Prestonwood Baptist Church is not as loving as they might claim.

A section on its website refers to ‘Sexual Identity Confusion’.

Church is actually pro dangerous ‘gay cure’ therapy

The website reads: ‘Our generation is experiencing an increased level of confusion with regard to sexual identity.

‘When addressing same-sex attraction, gender identity concerns, or a transgender disposition, we must approach such struggles with several foundational understandings.’

Same-sex attraction is code for what churches claim is a ‘curable’ illness. Many ‘gay cure’ churches also call LGBTI identity akin to a disease, a ‘concern’ or a ‘disposition’.

‘Those with a political agenda label those who affirm God’s design for human sexuality ‘bigots’ or ‘homophobic’,’ the website continues.

It then says ‘the journey to wholeness may be a difficult, long process’. This is in reference to attempting to ‘cure’ your sexuality.

‘Let them help you discover the joy and health that comes from pursuing God’s loving, beautiful design for human sexuality.’

Gay ‘cure’ therapy is dangerous and does not work

Lead pastor Graham has previously voiced homophobic beliefs. He told parents should home-school their children if they are being taught LGBTI rights or terminology.

‘Gay cure’ therapy, or conversion therapy, is widely condemned by every mainstream health organization in the world.

It is considered dangerous, a con, and damaging to a person’s mental, emotional and physical health.

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