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LA prosecutors are reviewing a sex crimes case against Kevin Spacey

Written by gaytourism

Spacey in House of Cards | Photo: IMDB/Netflix

Prosecutors in Los Angeles are reviewing a sex crimes case against Kevin Spacey.

According to NBC, the sherriff’s department first submitted the case on 5 April. Now, the District Attorney’s Office’s Sex Crimes Task Force is reviewing the case for it to potentially move forward.

No further details were given and Spacey’s reps have not yet responded.

How this came to be

At the end of October, actor Anthony Rapp made the first allegations against Spacey of sexual abuse. He said that in 1986, when Rapp was 14 and Spacey was 26, Spacey made sexual advances towards him.

Following the allegations, Spacey tweeted: ‘I’m beyond horrified to hear his story. I honestly do not remember the encounter… But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior.’

Following Rapp’s story, more followed and Spacey’s career came crumbling down.

Numerous more men came out with accusations against Spacey.

Then, Ridley Scott replaced Spacey with Christopher Plummer in his recent movie, All the Money in the World, earning Plummer an Oscar nod. Netflix also moved on with their series House of Cards sans Spacey.

More cases

Los Angeles isn’t the only city investigating the actor.

Police in Nantucket opened an investigation into Spacey’s behavior following journalist Heather Unruh’s accusations. Furthermore, Scotland Yard is also investigating him after allegations in England.

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