GAY global news

LGBTQ activists plan ‘Rainbow Harvest’ to push year-round ‘Pride’ in heart of conservative Mat-Su

In an effort to promote LGBTQ sexuality in the overwhelmingly conservative Mat-Su Valley, a group of radical activists is planning a “Rainbow Harvest Festival” in the historic agricultural community of Palmer.

The Oct. 11 event was hatched by two controversial groups – The Queen’s Guard and Identity, Inc. These organizations have orchestrated drag queen events for Mat-Su kids, gender-bending dances to promote LGBTQ sexual expression, and myriad other strategies aimed at convincing gender-confused youth to embrace alternative sexualities and transgenderism, regardless of their actual biological sex.

Identity, Inc. is a major partner in many LGBTQ events throughout Anchorage, and it runs a transgender clinic that supports hormonal and surgical procedures for impressionable youth who are confused about their sexual identity.

It’s no accident that the “Rainbow Harvest Festival” was scheduled for October. While June has traditionally been the time of year when LGBTQ activists press their social agenda via parades, demonstrations, entertainment and other events, there is a national movement afoot to expand this activism throughout the entire year. The goal is to foster fundamental societal change by relentlessly utilizing festivals and community gatherings to gain momentum.

The Queen’s Guard has a particular focus on advancing its agenda in the Mat-Su – one of the most conservative areas of Alaska. This group has partnered with a like-minded local bookstore in Wasilla – Black Birch Books – to hold drag queen story hours for kids, regular LGBTQ youth coffee hours and a “Unicorn Festival” in August.

In July, the Queen’s Guard held its 5th annual “Underground Pride” event at the Alaska State Fairgrounds, which included drag dancers entertaining children.

The upcoming “Rainbow Harvest Festival” is set to occur at the historic Palmer Train Depot, where the original Mat-Su colonists arrived in 1935 to carve out an agricultural community in the Mat-Su Valley.

The all-day event runs from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. and will include pro-LGBTQ vendors and artists, with the aim of normalizing LGBTQ sexuality.

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