GAY global news

LGBTQ in Oklahoma

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I’m writing this as a result of reading about the recent death of Nex Benedict in Owasso. Specifically, some of the comments written here by people who would rather get on their well-worn soapbox and rant about how all Republicans are Nazis than actually show any consideration or sympathy for those who are affected by the crap that the hateful people in charge here keep dishing out.

I get it, I really do. It’s easy to get mad when you learn about horrors like this. And this hits quite close to home for me as I don’t live far from the city this happened in. Especially since I, too, am non-binary, and know other LGBTQ people in this state.

But getting angry about it only helps if you channel that anger into action that helps people. If all you’re going to do is talk about how Republicans are Nazis, or say that we should let the red states go their own way because of how you feel about some of your tax dollars going to red states like Oklahoma where this happens, then you’re not only not helping, but you’re actually making it harder for those of us who already have to be really watchful.

We live here too. Many of us don’t have the financial resources to move easily And while there are many horribly hateful bigots here, there are also many people who are kind and helpful even to those who are different. Quite a few of those people are going to be Republicans who have not drunk from that koolaid.

I am not saying don’t get angry — if not over something like this, then when? — but use that anger to help people who are at risk, rather than spending it cursing those who would do us such harm. That will not hurt them and it will not help us. You might as well scream at the computer screen for all the good it will do anyone.

Remember that the goal is not just to win, but to put a stop to things like this. You won’t stop someone who wants to hurt other people for being different by lashing out in a comment.


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