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Log Cabin Head Claims Harris is “Wrong” for LGBT Americans

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Log Cabin Republicans President Charles Moran – Photo: Facebook

Charles Moran, the president of the Log Cabin Republicans, penned an editorial in Newsweek slamming the Democratic presidential ticket as the “wrong choice” for LGBTQ Americans.

The leader of the nation’s gay Republican group attacks Democratic nominee and current Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, as extreme and beholden to the interests of left-wing interest groups.

“Their agenda goes far beyond what our community has sought for decades, which is equality for LGBT Americans under the law,” Moran writes. “In reality, Harris and Walz are crusaders for a small but powerful cabal of the LGBT Left which wants to erase the concept of biological sex from society, expose young children to overtly sexualized and ideological content, and strip parents of their rights to make critical decisions about their children.”

He says a Harris victory would empower the far-left wing of the LGBTQ community by giving them a seat at the table when considering federal policy impacting LGBTQ Americans. Moran then points to the Biden administration’s guidance on Title IX as an example of the kind of policy he feels would be pushed in a Harris-Walz administration.

Moran takes umbrage at the idea of interpreting “sex” to include not only a person’s assigned sex at birth, but their gender identity — at least when it comes to nondiscrimination laws or federal agency policy.

The Biden administration has largely embraced such interpretations as they apply to Title IX, the federal law prohibiting sex-based discrimination in educational environments.

Moran claims that centering gender identity would dismantle women’s athletic opportunities by allowing transgender women — or as he calls them, “biological men” — to compete against women, against whom they have strength, endurance, and other physiological advantages.

He attacks Harris for opposing Florida-style “Don’t Say Gay” laws, which he casts as protective of parental rights and school-age children by prohibiting “gender identity ‘lessons’” from being introduced in schools and allowing parents to demand the removal of “overly sexualized content” from school libraries.

Moran then shifts to attacking gender-affirming care for youth suffering from gender dysphoria and criticizes Walz for signing a bill — approved by Democratic lawmakers in Minnesota — that makes the state a “refuge” for transgender minors and their parents who are seeking out gender-affirming treatment banned in their home states.

Even though surgical interventions on minors are extremely rare, Moran raises the specter of gender confirmation surgeries being carried out on minors, which he calls “unproven” in combating gender dysphoria. 

Additionally, Moran asserts that “sanctuary” laws for transgender minors will “pave the way for the state to strip parents of custody of their child if they disagree” by allowing their children to receive puberty blockers, hormone therapy, or surgery.

Finally, Moran snipes at Democratic rhetoric seeking to cast former President Donald Trump as holding anti-LGBTQ policy positions, which he claims is an attempt to deflect from the radical pro-LGBTQ policies that Democrats back.

“They claim [Trump will] legalize discrimination against the LGBT community, undo marriage equality, and target LGBT families. These attacks may sound scary — that’s the point — but they are all demonstrably false,” Moran asserts, despite the Trump administration having previously argued that adoption and foster care agencies should be allowed to discriminate against same-sex couples.

While in power, Trump also issued an executive order to protect “religious liberty” for individuals who object to same-sex marriage, birth control, or abortion, and assembled a task force to think up other ways in which people could justify discrimination against LGBTQ people on religious grounds.

Moran defends Trump, noting that he’s publicly supported allowing same-sex couples to marry since first seeking the presidency, and supports in vitro fertilization, which can be used to help gay and lesbian couples to have children.

Moran takes an indirect swipe at Walz, who has been criticized for signing a bill requiring schools to provide menstrual products like tampons to any student who needs them.

While the actual bill does not explicitly require tampons to be stocked in boys’ bathrooms in schools, conservatives have claimed that it does — and have used that exaggeration to paint Walz and Democrats as overly “woke.”

“Equal treatment is what the LGBT community has been fighting for for decades. We’ve largely achieved it,” Moran writes. “Yet far-left demagogues continue to fan the flames and tell us that sex-change surgeries for children, men in women’s sports, or tampons in boys’ bathrooms are the defining civil rights issues of our time. As LGBT conservatives, we’re not buying it. Voters shouldn’t either.”


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