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Man accuses Farrah Fawcett’s son Redmond O’Neal of homophobic attack

Written by gaytourism

Another person serves O’Neal a lawsuit | Photo: YouTube/ABC7

In a new lawsuit, Redmond O’Neal, Ryan O’Neal and the late Farrah Fawcett’s son, is accused of a homophobic attack.

Ken Fox is the man behind the lawsuit, announcing it on Thursday (6 September) with his lawyer, Gloria Allred. In the lawsuit, he accuses O’Neal of assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, violation of civil rights, negligence, loss of consortium and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

This is the second such lawsuit against O’Neal following several days of confrontations earlier this year.

From 2 -5 May, O’Neal allegedly attacked five different men. All the encounters were unprovoked and some resulted in serious injuries for the victims, including a stabbing.

‘He appears to be an unrepentant repeat offender who has had his parole revoked for doing drugs in a rehabilitation center,’ Fox said when announcing the lawsuit.

‘In my opinion he is competent enough to know exactly what he was doing. He wanted to hurt an old, weak, defenseless gay man. He wanted to hurt me. And he did hurt me.’

Authorities first arrested O’Neal on 8 May on suspicious of robbing a 7-11 with a knife. He has been in custody since then.

He’s previously had problems with substance abuse and other run-ins with the law.

What happened?

Fox said he was minding his own business while taking some laundry to a laundromat. A man wearing a hoodie and holding a bottle in a paper bag neared him on the street and used a gay slur, saying: ‘What are you looking at?’

Then, Fox alleged, O’Neal hit him in the face with the bottle. He continued to say slurs and kick him as Fox lay on the ground bleeding.

‘I felt trapped, like a wounded animal. I literally thought I was going to die,’ Fox said.

Fox doesn’t want O’Neal getting off easy because of famous parents.

Previously, O’Neal blamed his parents for his problems.

Fox’s lawyer, Allred, stated: ‘There must be serious consequences for anyone who engages in violence against innocent victims and particularly where the victim is victimized on account of his status as a member of a minority.’

H/t: USA Today

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