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Marriage equality is in serious trouble in Taiwan, here’s what you can do to help

Written by gaytourism

Taiwan needs our help to make sure marriage equality becomes a reality

One of Taiwan’s highest courts ruled same-sex marriage should be made legal within two years. But conservative Christians are trying to stop it from happening.

In May 2017, the Grand Council of Justices ruled it unconstitutional to ban same-sex marriage. It gave lawmakers two years to make same-sex marriage legal. This made Taiwan the first country in Asia to give the green light to same-sex marriage.

But while lawmakers delayed passing same-sex marriage laws, those opposed to marriage equality have been gathering support to hold a referendum on the issue.

The anti-gay marriage group Happiness of the Next Generation Alliance needed 280,000 signatures to get a referendum on three questions. That means 1% of the population is forcing a national poll on an issue already decided in the courts.

The group wants to put to a national vote the question of removing same-sex education  in schools. It also wants to ask about changing the civil code’s definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman, and whether the population approves of same-sex marriage becoming legal.

LGBTI campaigners in Taiwan have worked tirelessly for years on marriage equality and better education in schools. They need all the support they can get ahead of November’s referendum.

What you can do to help

Australian marriage equality advocates successfully ran a campaign last year to win the country’s national vote on the issue.

They’ve now set up a fundraising effort to get much needed money to the Taiwan campaign.

‘We know from our own experience just how distressing the misinformation put forward during these campaigns can be,’ said Australian Marriage Equality (AME) co-chair, Alex Greenwich.

‘Already in Taiwan opponents are using the same tactics but much darker — full, front-page adverts across national newspapers attacking LGBTI people.’

AME is trying to raise AU$10,000 (US$7,194) so that the Taiwanese campaign employ crucial staff for the next three months.

‘These roles will help them activate and grow a positive movement for equality in Taiwan, share impactful messages for change, and counter the misinformation of opponents through powerful video storytelling,’ Greenwich said.

‘Equality opponents know these kinds of citizen votes are costly and difficult for equality supporters to win and that’s why they are pushing this strategy all over the world. They brought it here (to Australia), and now they’ve imported it straight to Taiwan.

‘We know what this feels like. We know what they’re going through. Our support can help give campaigners the hope they need to carry on and win.’

To donate to the fundraising campaign, click here.

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