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Matt Bomer, Jim Parsons, Zachary Quinto and others show support for AIDS Memorial

Written by gaytourism

Cast members from the new production of The Boys In The Band wear TheAIDSMemorial T-shirts (Photo: @theaidsmemorial | Instagram)

The AIDS Memorial is one of the most moving accounts on Instagram. It posts images and memories of people – both famous and non-famous – who have lost their lives to HIV.

We have previously featured some of its stories, including a man who lost both his gay uncles to the disease, and another who talked to a friend long-distance over the phone as he took an overdose to end his life.

The account has some big-name supporters. A couple of weeks ago, a reporter with ABC in Los Angeles, Karl Schmid wore an AIDS Memorial T-shirt and posted a message revealing the fact that he has been HIV positive for the last ten years.

Today, the case of the new production of seminal gay play, The Boys In The Band, posted a photo of themselves wearing The AIDS Memorial T-shirts.

Cast members from the new production of The Boys In The Band wear TheAIDSMemorial T-shirts

Cast members from The Boys In The Band (Photo: @theaidsmemorial | Instagram)

The production is now running on Broadway and includes Zacharty Quinto, Jim Parson, Charlie Carver and Matt Bomer, among others.

Bomer posted a message to accompany the image.

‘Our entire cast of THE BOYS IN THE BAND are so moved and inspired by these stories of the beautiful men and women that we lost to the plague during those dark years.

‘Thank you for bringing them to life once more on your beautiful Instagram @theaidsmemorial.’
— by Matt Bomer @mattbomer

‘It’s such an honor!’

Stuart, who runs @TheAIDSMemorial, was delighted by the cast’s support.

‘To have this kind of support for @theaidsmemorial on Instagram from the likes of Matt Bomer and his fellow cast mates from The Boys in the Band on Broadway is extraordinary! It’s such an honor!’ he told GSN.

‘Not only does this help people discover @theaidsmemorial in order them to submit their stories about their loved ones but also by promoting @theaidsmemorial t-shirt it will help to raise much needed funds for a charity combating homelessness for those living with HIV.’

The Boys In The Band begins a limited 15-week run at the Booth Theatre on 30 April. Its return to Broadway marks the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking play’s first run of success.

Anyone who wishes to share a story with The AIDS Memorial can email [email protected]

See also

ABC correspondent Karl Schmid comes out as HIV-positive

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