GAY global news

Men report ‘summer penis’ effect as temperatures soar

Written by gaytourism

Feeling the heat big time! Photo: Mark Johnson

It was only a matter of time before the hot spell Britain is witnessing right now got the media talking about ‘summer penis’.

The question is, does such a phenomenon really exist?

According to a number of reports in UK newspapers men everywhere are feeling the effects of bigger girth right now.

The Mirror reported that Reddit user Guillermo97 posted a question asking others if they experienced ‘bigger dicks in summer and smaller in winter’.

‘Anybody notices size fluctuation during the year? I know mine is bigger, I have better erections in the summer and I also tend to be more of a shower instead of a grower. In the winter, it is the exact contrary. Why is that? More heat = better blood flow?’

Many of the replies to the post seemed to agree that in hot weather mens’ willies did indeed appear larger.

Circulation theory behind ‘summer penis’

Theories abound as to why this happens. The most likely reason being blood flow circulation in order to regulate body temperature.

While the post in question may be a couple of years old, people have been having a ball with it on Twitter.

One poster wrote ‘It’s true…My summer penis gets in the way of EVERYTHING!’

Another tweeted: ‘…was wondering why I had a 3rd leg round about May, June’.

And Pacho Herrera questioned whether such a thing could even be without a suntan: ‘Not been the nudist beach yet, me. Summer penis is only a summer penis when he’s got a tan.’

The Mirror, clearly unable to find any hard evidence, cited Orlando urologist Jamin Brahmbhatt as confirming that temperature can cause a change – but it isn’t a seasonal one.

‘Summer or winter, your penis size should remain the same’, the paper reported him as saying.

We’re off to cool down.

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