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My Adventures With Superman’s New LGBTQ Couple Change Lois Lane’s Life

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Lois Lane learns the importance of faith and open-mindedness, while Livewire and Heat Wave’s relationship offers insight and healing.
Livewire and Heat Wave’s heist plan leads to a confrontation with Project M, but their love prevails, showcasing meaningful representation.
Livewire’s advice empowers Lois to trust and give Supergirl a chance, highlighting the importance of forgiveness and empathy.

The following contains spoilers for My Adventures with Superman Season 2, Episode 7, “Olsen’s Eleven,” which debuted June 29 on Adult Swim.

In My Adventures with Superman Season 2, Lois Lane has many questions that she needs answers to. Lois has endangered her relationship with Jack Quaid’s Clark Kent by being close-minded to other aliens. She thinks they won’t be as kind to Earth as he has been.

Though she is proven right when Kiana Madeira’s Supergirl attacks and kidnaps Clark, Jimmy does remind Lois she must maintain trust, rather than come off xenophobic. Episode 7, “Olsen’s Eleven,” reintroduces two antagonistic characters as a queer couple that offers insight to heal Lois’ narrow perspective.

My Adventures with Superman’s Livewire & Heat Wave Are a Couple

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My Adventures with Superman star Kiana Madeira reveals which role she hopes to land in the DCU.

“Olsen’s Eleven,” confirms Livewire and Heat Wave are a couple. My Adventures with Superman Season 1 had them working as criminals in Metropolis and used high-powered technology to go on crime sprees. However, Superman showed them that his city wasn’t going to be their playground. They ended up being arrested and taken into Task Force X’s custody.

My Adventures with Superman’s Amanda Waller wanted them to work as a proto-version of the Suicide Squad under Deathstroke. However, they just wanted to escape and pull heists again, and Season 2 finds them as guns for hire after escaping Waller’s project. It doesn’t matter who pays or which side they’re on, the two women just want to make sure they get paid. Jimmy uses his funds for that cause and doesn’t care that he’s exhausting his millions. His friends come first, even if it means aligning with seedy former convicts.

He recruits Livewire and Heat Wave, and hatches a plan to steal an Amazo-spaceship from STAR Labs. Once they have this, they can work with Monsieur Mallah and the Brain and cut through space and time. It turns out, Brain and Mallah are back after failing to find a world to live in. They now want to help search the galaxy to find Superman. However, they need more muscle, which is where Livewire and Heat Wave come in.

Heat Wave wants no part of the smash-and-grab job, however; she just wants to keep living in the fancy loft and having a romantic life with Livewire. While they can rob here and there to keep up their lifestyle and pay expenses, they still need to be cognizant about the missions, and this one is too risky. It leads to a lovers’ fight, which ends with Heat Wave breaking up with Livewire and departing.

It’s in stark contrast to Brain and Mallah, who are communicative and find ways to get on the same page. There is a strong parallel here in terms of what honest, open dialogue entails. Brain and Mallah are selfless towards each other, but Heat Wave views Livewire as a self-serving partner. A means to an end. As such, she walks out the door with her head held high.

My Adventures with Superman’s New Couple Save Lois and Jimmy

My Adventures with Superman Teases a War With An Iconic DCU Planet

My Adventures with Superman Season 2 hints an iconic alien duo from the DCU will seek retribution against the Kryptonian who destroyed their world.

As the name suggests, “Olsen’s Eleven” mimics Ocean’s Eleven and the sequels. Team Jimmy copies a guard’s key, sneaks inside the lab, and hacks the camera system so it plays on a loop. Once the security team is fooled, the heroes can tap into the control room, locate the ship, break in and fly off. However, Waller spots a glitch in the surveillance footage and orders her troops to go hunting. She wants the show’s Metallo fleet to do the heavy lifting, and My Adventures with Superman’s Lex Luthor is all but proud to engage. He upgraded the drones into a new legion: Project M. They’re supposedly better war machines.

Unfortunately, Livewire abandons Lois and Jimmy when Deathstroke and his men come for them. Luckily, Jimmy, Lois, Brain and Mallah navigate the lab and get into the vessel. It’s a rocket that must blast off, but the Metallo robots are swarming. As fate would have it, Livewire returns and fries up the machines with her electricity. Heat Wave is there too, using her powers like Fantastic Four’s Johnny Storm. Livewire radios in and admits they set Team Jimmy up. She wanted there to be a war at STAR Labs, as that meant a weapons stronghold would be left weakened.

The distraction enabled Livewire’s gang to ransack and steal arms, with Heat Wave leading the heist. However, Livewire listened in over her earpiece and felt sorry for Lois. She overheard the pain of losing Superman to Michael Emerson’s Brainiac, so she convinces the gang to help out. Namely, Heat Wave. Love conquers all, with the lovers returning with a bang. They destroy the fleet and head off. It’s good karma after such a big heist. Like Brain and Mallah, the ladies use their hearts and not their minds, which are usually focused on the bank account.

As they drive off, Heat Wave and Livewire share a passionate kiss, which gives LGBTQ fans more meaningful on-screen representation. This follows the pattern of other DCTV shows like Max’s adult animated series, Harley Quinn, which presents the titular Harley and Poison Ivy (both of whom are bisexual) as a romantic couple. Livewire and Heat Wave have that kind of energy as they flip the bird on Waller, and provide Lois with the means needed to pull off her cosmic job.

My Adventures with Superman’s Mysterious New Villain Hints at a Familiar DC Foe

After the debut of Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl, My Adventures of Superman Season 2 may be hiding a major twist behind Brainiac’s true identity.

As Livewire roasted the machines, she unwittingly educated Lois on matters of the heart. She made it clear they cannot be “cowards” in the game of love. That defiant, fearless attitude is why she and Heat Wave are on the same page. They are brave enough to want a future together, knowing that it’s work, but worth it. Livewire passes on all her inspiration and lessons, urging Lois to chase her soulmate.

Lois is empowered enough to put away her kryptonite and wants to trust Kara by giving her a fair chance. Jimmy is all in, as he has a crush on Kara. However, he also knows that forgiveness, generosity and optimism about visitors from the galaxy are the best way forward. Hostility only breeds aggression and Jimmy is adamant that Lois shouldn’t be like her bigoted father, General Sam Lane. The latter didn’t believe in empathy and was just about cold tradition. He tended to treat people like tools, and getting the military’s jobs done.

Lois, however, is more motivated to do the right thing. She wants to find her Clark and give Kara a second chance. It’s all due to Livewire reminding her what family means. Livewire’s gang might not be altruistic, but true love still exists. It affirms that the Livewire and Lois bond is evolving in a huge way. Livewire heard her entire conversation about Clark, and it wouldn’t be hard for her to expose Clark as Superman. This suggests that Livewire could be an important ally in the future.

The series has kept Lois’ mother and her sister, Lucy, out of play. The latter factored into The CW shows likeSuperman & Lois and Supergirl, but in this case, Livewire becomes something more. It’s a heartwarming story that has fans hoping Livewire and Heat Wave’s romance is explored more down the line. They have shown they’re up for redemption. With Lois’ team blasting off, one can hope they do bring Clark back, and that this extended Superman family ends up working together for the greater good.

New episodes of Season 2 of My Adventures with Superman premiere Fridays on Adult Swim. Episodes are made available for streaming on Max the next day.


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