GAY global news

Naper Pride Fest celebrates inclusion

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On Saturday, September 14 Naper Pride hosted its third Naper Pride Fest at Naper Settlement. The family-friendly event, which ran from noon to 10 pm, featured live entertainment, more than 70 vendors, a beer garden area for those over 21, and food trucks. 

“Pride Fest is for everyone. It’s not only for those in the LGBTQ. We want our allies here as well. We want anyone coming and supporting who has a great, positive attitude and wants to be a part of the community,” says Cristy Kennedy, Spokesperson for Naper Pride. 

Naper Pride Fest as a positive space for LGBTQ youth

“Naper Pride as an organization is out here to promote inclusivity. We’re really looking out for especially the LGBTQ youth,” says Kennedy. “We have really high rates of depression and suicide and LGBTQ youth, something that’s very near and dear to my heart. As an organization, we try to stay extremely family-friendly. Make sure there are lots of events, lots of things to make everyone feel a part of the community.”

Live entertainment at Naper Pride Fest

The day featured different entertainment acts, from drag performances to cover bands. Entertainment included:

Mira & Willa
Bach to Rock
Dance performances by Keri Traid, Fonda LaFemme, & Sebastian
Weekend Run Club
Cheryl Rodey Band
Beyond the Blonde
Mostly Miley Cyrus
Dance performance by The Boys of Summer – Fer Cardin III, Mark, & Glamonster
Robert Bartko as George Michael Reborn

About Naper Pride

Naper Pride is a Naperville-focused, celebration of LGBTQ members of the community. Naper Pride’s goal is to bring together people from all walks of life, family, friends, neighbors, and allies in a celebration of inclusivity. Through its programs and events focused on family, education, health and wellness of body, mind, and soul, Naper Pride seeks to fulfill its mission of supporting efforts that promote a community environment that treats every individual with equality, dignity, and respect. Naper Pride is an all-volunteer organization. 100% of all proceeds go directly in support of the LGBTQ+ community.


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